Friday, December 16, 2011

Writer's Block And Blog

I am having a er.... a writer's block?
Like.. the mind is blocked and yet I want  to write something in my blog...
If I don't write, I feel something is not right?
I know I am no writer ... only a blogger...

If you have a writers block you can use these free article writing services to keep the readership up.

Oh Dear...My whole body is still aching... I really shouldn't have played badminton two days ago... my muscles must have been "shocked" and now I am facing the discomfort and the painful consequences... especially when I want to get up when I am sitting down...

Going up and coming down the stairs is torturous... now I begin to understand why older people don't like to go up and down the stairs.....

OK, I am going to take a good rest now... tomorrow is a very long day.. I mean journey... I got to drive.. and drive..........and driveeeeeeeeee...........


  1. I think it's probably caused by holiday mode. so your brain shutdown already. Anyway, have a safe trip tmr~! Enjoy your trip :D Shop more, ask Aaron to pay :P

  2. Penang ok la... to and fro also less than 300km. Can consider it a short distance drive. If you can play badminton, sure no problem drive for 3 hours plus, right?
    Tambah minyak!!!

  3. OMG... that kind of muscle sore can take alot days onli can recover. Sapu minyak, sapu minyak!

  4. well, it is not uncommon for bloggers to have mind block.. it happens to me all the time, just have to crack my head of what to write, but once started, it'll be smooth~~ :)

  5. Do take care of yourself, Claire! Don't over-do it.

  6. take care take care! U shuld exercise more la...-.- dont giv tht reason...hahaha! ^^ hope to read yr new post soon!^^

  7. Take a break from blogging and go on a holiday! : )

  8. It's not necessary to blog everyday. Actually, that's because your readers may not be able to catch up with you : )

  9. I know how you feel about the aching part. I was in a lot of pain when I cycled for 2 hours non stop after so many years never cycle (and didn't warm up). The most important thing to do before doing any prolonged physical activity is to warm up or not, habis la will be aching all over..

  10. Where will you be driving? It is not because you are older, Claire. It is because you did a lot of exercise that you are not used to, anyone would hurt like that no matter how old. You have to start gradually...maybe take some Aspirin and you will be better in a few days.

  11. All the way to Singapore... Haiyar! Better stop one night in KL, then we can get together and have what I did with FIVE mummy bloggers last night. It certainly is great to be a blogger...

  12. Make sure you get plenty of rest and sleep before your trip. Driving can put a person to sleep, I think it's listening to the tires on the pavement. Happy week-end.

  13. I am going miss you badly :( I am going to get brain blockage too without you :p Enjoy makaning and shop till you drop...this will further trumatize your muscles and wallet LOL! Have a nice hols. Merry Xmas to you and family !

  14. Take good care oh~

    Have a great weekend ya!

  15. where are you going claire? Holidays? Have a safe trip ya.

    And don't worry, your writer's block will get lifted soon XD


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...