Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cheated By The Two Fellas!

After dinner while walking to our car, a man accosted me at the pavement, asking me whether I would like to see the durians in his van.  He told me that the durians were of good brands.. (now I cannot remember what names already)...

Immediately I thought of my son who told me that he would like to eat some durians when he comes back next week.  So when this man told me that his durians were of "special kind," I was tempted to go "look see" ... a bit more expensive, never mind, as long as GOOD!!

This man showed us where his van was, his accomplice was already there, he saw us approaching and asked me how many I wanted, "bitter, sweet or both?"  I said I wanted bitter one... immediately he took one, weighed it AND before I could even asked the price, he has cut the durian open and put into the styrofoam box... I said "hey.. how much is that? Why never tell me price, expensive I don't want...."   My girl was nudging me already... "don't buy, don't buy" but I didn't want to create trouble... so I asked the price again.. How Much?

He said, "cheap only... RM22.50"  What!!!  I looked at the durian in the box... it did not look good... I mean for that kind of price, it Really Didn't look good!

Then only I remember.... I read in the papers that there are these durian con men who lured you to their van and then later forced that lady to buy for a high price!  More like gangsters type... forcing her to buy after opening the durians and threatened her when she said NO....

Thank goodness I insisted on one durian only, he was pestering me to buy two... Anyway, I quickly paid and went off....

True enough, the durian WAS NOT good... no sweetness, no taste... if I play nasty, I could go to them tomorrow and demand them to change it for me.. but knowing these type of men who are out to con us, I take it as a lesson learnt....

Buy from proper durian stalls... not from these men who had to walk around looking for durian customers!


  1. wow forcing people to buy durians? so finally did u pay them?

    Latest: CNY Is Less Than 10 Days Away!

  2. oh man..this is scary. next time don't ask them anything. i see these men at the market over here too.

  3. Sounds scary leh!!
    Next time be careful~

  4. Actually thank God you are ok, safe... next time don't follow men ok...

  5. fish: sort of "forcing" cos he just opened after weighing it and never telling me how much...

    barb: syndicate?

    hayley: next time I go to proper stalls..

    irene: it was in a crowded area actually... but not sure which van then...

  6. How could these nuisance out there do such a nasty thing to the ladies? They ought to be sent to the lockup. But anyway, under such circumstances, you must pay them to prevent from something ugly from happening to you and your daughter. You did the right thing.

  7. Pam, yeah..i just paid and went off.. no more second time... i kept thinking why i followed that man to the van... hmmmmm...

  8. i rather stick to my regular stalls. these fellas are scary! even buying from supermarkets ain't as bad as they rogues.

  9. Oh conmen! Better buy your durians from the normal stalls. I would normally ignore such people asking me to buy durians.

  10. Should call police and let them know, giving them the location...and number of the van. More and more of this kind of people around - don't want to work, taking the easy way out by cheating those taxi drivers in KL or Penang.

  11. follow instincts and don't buy when pushed. glad you are OK

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  12. What a nasty encounter!! Best to just keep it and not confront them, you don't know what they might do if they are criminals!!

  13. I don't buy husband does..

  14. thank god they are only selling durians and not doing anything else to you! hope it's a real durian..hehe..

  15. Gosh! Those robbers come in many type. Now got durian robbers huh?? Better be careful over there!

    Thank god you are not been cheated.

  16. Not 'loh saad' way of doing buziness, just as bad as day light robbery.

  17. This is bad, anyway, thanks for sharing this with us. We will be more cautious when seeing this type of durian business men.

  18. Thank God, you are not harmed. Like that also want to con people.

  19. Yeah my family encountered this a few years ago too. They were like forcing us to buy more what we wanted. In the end, my hubby paid but luckily the durian tasted good. But we know after that not to 'layan' this kind of people anymore.

  20. blurkit: yeah, the other day i bought from the supermarket..

    foong: now i know.. :)

    stp: let them be.. i only scared liow..

    cloudia: must learn how to refuse next time..

    ginny: what would they do if i were to refuse it after opening...

    sharon: yes.. yes..

    wenn: good that u have someone to buy for u..

    yeeling: kind of desperate to make money...

    lena: oh oh.. actually not nice.. i gave it away already..

  21. thank God they were not robbers who tried to harm you. nvm lesson learned next time just be more careful. My dad usually only buys durians from the market uncle seller that he knows and recognises

  22. Yikes, my comments yesterday went missing!
    Neways, you are not alone Claire. I was cheated too a few years ago, and I swore NEVER to ever buy from these mobile peddlers again!

  23. Err.. Better don't follow them to their van when they approach lah.. Huhu.. Coz who knows other things could happen as well.. Yikes..

  24. we have plenty of such vans operating over here too. Din know they use this tactic to cheat customers :(

  25. Haiyo... like that oso can. And yeah, better not confront these ppl coz u n ur girl's safety comes 1st.

  26. aiyo....hate this type of seller! Luckily u only said 1 durian. will be a bigger hole in your pocket!

  27. In KL also got this type of durian seller. There was once, i think two years ago, when i went out dinner with my friend at a restaurant, some gangster look man come to table by table ask us to buy durian, i said i don't eat durian, he said you never try you never know, but i still said i don't want. When the restaurant owner told them to leave and don't disturb their guest, they got pissed off, they go and kick the tables and throw the table. Wah!! Just like those in movie, really scare me off.

  28. What a terrible experience! I am relieved to know that they did not rob you (directly, I mean) or kidnap you!


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