Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Her First Pay Check!

My girl was very excited this evening when I picked her up from work. She was smiling away ... in fact she was very surprised when her boss called her in to give her the first Pay Check!

She just started work last Monday and her boss gave out the January pay today... so nice of him... hahahaa... No, she is not being sacked... hahaha...

Since Chinese New Year is just less than a week away, the staff were given their January pay... or perhaps bonus too? Well, my girl was given RM50 Ang Pow.. not bad for working less than two weeks! hahaha...

She gave me permission to post this up... something to remember....

I told her that she could buy something for herself now that she has money... and what was her response? "Mum, so little only, I don't want to spend it yet..... keep first... "
Though not much.. I told her that it was her "blood sweat" money..


  1. First pay/first fruit ma....100% to God.

  2. Haha... When I got my first pay cheque 15 years ago, I actually made a photocopy of the cheque and treasure it like a degree scroll.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. kathy: hahahaa...

    rachel: 10% tithings...

    pam: it must be a four digit one, right? :)

  5. Congrats on her first real paycheck!

  6. A lot of money enough for Bananaz to eat 100 brunch already ie more than 3 months meals leh. Fatt tatt loh..lolz

  7. That's awesome! There's nothing more satisfying as a parent then seeing your kids feel proud of their accomplishments, big or small.

    Congrats on being a vB Featured Member!

  8. Wahhhhh!!!! Can give you ang pao liao. No need for so much - RM5 also ok - token only...but the Singapore one earning big bucks must give BIGGGGGGG ang pao lor. Children to parent, no need to wait till married one...

  9. I didn't know she had started working, what is she doing? Whatever it is, she must be a very good worker!!! And very practical, not to run right out and spend it! She is going to school as well??

  10. wenn: :p

    camy: finally she knows..

    gab: she said little wor.. maybe she put in too much effort? hahaha..

    gig: thanks!

    bananaz: and become Jane!!

    gjt: thanks for informing me!

    stp: of course no need to wait.. take what they give.. dont refuse..

    ginny: it is just a temporary job to pass time.. she requested to work.. :)

  11. That's a lot for a week of work. So nice of the boss.

  12. gambateh!!

    I think I can understand her feeling of getting the first pay!

  13. Yeah, it is good that she choose to keep the money first.

  14. I remember what was the feeling when I received my first salary.. Very syok one! :P

  15. My first paycheck working during Form Five holidays was only RM250 leh...., carry goods at a supermarket during CNY, hard work...he he he
    I gave it to my mom but she gave it back to me and asked me to spend

  16. who says not much? nobody is going to give us RM400 pocket money for nothing right? She earned it well and that is a lifelong supply of Snowflake! hahaha...

  17. wow!! I will be very happy too! Even not a lot but just like what u say, blood sweat money! haha

    Congrats to your girl...hope she will enjoys working

  18. Your girl start work already?

    AH! First pay check always the excited one, hard earn money wor.

  19. I can still remember the feeling I had when I got my first pay check. RM60.00! I was so happy. I gave RM30.00 to my mum and she was pleased. She still talk about it nowadays to her grandchildren. Now, I am amazed at myself that I can survive on RM30.00 for on whole month those days. You are right, it is her blood and seat money. She should be very proud of herself.

  20. Her attitude is good, or is she stingy? hehe

  21. yeeling: not a week la.. for Jan pay.. :)

    sharon: hehee..

    cyn: first time in history, right?

    mommymoon: she sayang to use.. but mama's pay ..can use la! hahaa..

    hayley: like big girl already, right?

    pete: good of u.. gave to mama...

    merryn: hahaa..u and your snowflake!

    mnhl: i hope she will know that studying is definitely better.. hahaa..

    annie: yeah, a temp job.. :)

    quaypo: mine was RM120!! Yes, wonder how we survived with the meagre pay then... hahaa..

    ant: a bit of this and that.. hahaa...

  22. every bit counts, esp since it's from one's own effort & hard work.

  23. Her boss is so generous. She is a good girl, not wanting to waste money.

  24. Wa..your girl starts working good girl knows how to save up form the first pay cheque.

  25. I'm waiting for my first Nuffnang cheque to come!


Thank you, readers!

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