Saturday, January 21, 2012

We Just Say Hi And Bye...

My next door neighbour is occupied by a few Malay girls, they are trainee doctors or should I say, they are on a medical course here in Ipoh... Each morning we leave our houses almost same time and we come home also around the same time... so we always ended up saying "Hi...." or "Bye....."

They are very pleasant... a few of them even called out "Hi" to Labbie, my doggie..

Last evening two of them came by my gate and greeted me, "Happy Chinese New Year, Auntie, this is for you.... " I was like... "Wow... so-so nice of them!"

They gave me a card written, "Our nice neighbour" (A-H-E-M)
And not only the card, 
they gave me a box of sweet tangerine oranges...
 Inside the card.. 6 signatures..
Very small tangerine oranges but very-very sweeeeet... seedless too!
After peeling, just "pop" the whole orange into the mouth.... hhmmmm... 
THANK YOU, Norhazwani, Shikin, Aina, Raudhah and Fatin!!
All of you are very nice too!!


  1. How sweet of them. As sweet as the tangerine oranges they gave you. Claire "Gong Xi Fai Cai" to you & family.

  2. Such nice neighbours you have. Too bad they are not permanent tenants or you would be getting free tangerines every year.

  3. wow, the girls next doors are so nice huh?? hmmm, so now you know what you should do in return when it comes Hari Raya~~ or maybe immediately giving them angpows during CNY, hahahaha!!

  4. Aww that's very nice of them.. I like those small oranges too, just pop into mouth after peel them.. Hehe

  5. What a warm & thoughtful gesture from our fellow Malaysians. Must remember to invite them over to your open house...

  6. wa so sweet of them...must give them big ang pow leh :)

    Happy Chinese New Year to you ,Aaron, Andy and Fennie. May this Dragon Year brings good health, happiness and prosperity to all of you :)

  7. Wow, I would love to have neighbors like this!!!

  8. That's the spirit of 1Malaysia!

    by the way,

    Happy Chinese New Year to you too and may the dragon year bring you more happiness and prosperity! :D

  9. Thank you .. thank you!!!
    Happy Gong Xi Gong Xi to all of you who are celebrating Chinese New Year!!

    Have fun!

  10. Wah, what a pleasant surprise, right!

    Hey, Gong Xi Fa Cai! ^^

  11. wah. so nice. ada "Song lei" some more. haha
    mine ah. cina. hi also never said

  12. so good!

    we should practise this always!
    Good culture :)


    i Wish you happy Chinese new year 2012!

  13. Your neighbours are so sweet...
    Wishing you and your family a Happy Chinese New Year!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...