Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Sudden Demise

Received phone call around 3pm from my mum who told me that my BIL passed away all of a sudden... My sister was too anguished to talk about it... just requested to be taken up to Cameron Highlands ...

Around 3pm we drove up to CH hospital to find out what really happened... the staff at the GH was very helpful and friendly, the doctor, attendants and even the police officer were kind enough to explain to us and made all procedures smoothly without much waiting and fuss....

Went to the mortuary to confirm... went to my BIL's apartment to clear up his belongings, his colleagues/roommates helped us and one willingly drove us back to Ipoh in my car because I cannot drive on highways during dark....

My sister is like Job... she faces obstacles after obstacles.. she must stay strong and faithful.. May the Good Lord continues to watch over her and her family...


  1. Oh, hope nothing serious happen...Take care Claire.

  2. take care claire, hope everything turns out fine

  3. Hope everything is going well with you...

  4. Take care of yourself and your family -- that's the main thing! The blog can wait.

  5. So sorry to learn of this. Please take care.

  6. Just saw Joo ee fb status. May he rest in peace.

  7. i'm truly sorry to hear the news.. deepest condolence and may your BIL rest in peace..

  8. Heartfelt sympathies to you, your SIL and all in the family. May he rest in peace.

  9. Sorry to hear about that, my deepest condolence to you, your sister and family.

  10. so sorry to hear this. my deepest condolence to you and your sister.

  11. Sorry to hear about that,Claire. My deepest condolence to you and your sister. Take care.

  12. Deepest condolences to you and your sister's family... take care my friend..

  13. Sorry to hear this. My deepest condolence to your sister's family.

  14. my condolences to you and your sis.

  15. Deepest Condolences -our prayers and thoughts are with the family!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  16. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that.. may your BIL RIP. :(

  17. Take care dear and may your BIL rest in peace. Will continue to pray for your sister. The lord is with her and may she stay STRONG like Job.

  18. The ending for Job's story is magnificent and I hope the same will happened here.


  19. Deepest condolence to you and family.

  20. My condolence to you and your family

  21. My condolence to you and your sister;s family.

  22. So sorry to hear that Claire.. You stay strong too!

  23. I am sorry to hear about the demise of your BIL. May your sister find solace and peace. Hugs.

  24. My deepest condolences to you and your sister. Take very good care, of yourself and your sister.

  25. Sorry to hear about this Claire. My condolences. Take care.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...