Saturday, February 4, 2012

What's That Sound?

Last night or should I say, early dawn.. not sure of time but I heard some "scraping sound"... it jerked me up from my sleep... I ignored it, trying to get back to sleep but I couldn't... the "Sound" kept coming back and plucking up my courage, I looked out from my window to the balcony....

Nothing.... then I went to toilet and made the flushing sound, hoping to scare "whatever" is out there... but the sound came back again once I laid myself down on the bed... Feeling dissatisfied, I got downstairs and looked for Labbie, hoping that she was the one who made the sounds of "digging" and "scraping."  But she was sleeping peacefully....

Well, until this morning, I could not find out what the sound is... I don't see anything wrong anywhere..

Oh...oh.... don't tell me that the TERMITES were doing all the "Sounds" that I heard?  ahhhhhh.....


  1. Muahahahahaha!!!! THEY ARE BACK...with a vengeance! LOL!!!

  2. wei could be termite leh....Hubi say very active at night one...

  3. The other day did the Pest Control people check the roof? Your roof beam made of wood ,right? I say its tikus, it would have run away already and not scrapping sound wor.

  4. Opps, I hope you heard wrongly la!

  5. Don't tell me the termites are back to take revenge. Anyway, don't scare yourself. Could be tikus or cat making the scratching sound.

  6. it can be lots of sound out there, just don't get terrified :)

    Latest: Must-Eat Before CNY Ends!

  7. My ex-landlady's house in Johor was infested with termites. She failed to get rid of them no matter how many times those termites busters were called to her house. The most affected room was the room which I stayed for 2 years. Living with termites wasn't scary but listening to the digging and scraping sound every night was a real torture. I always wondered if the ceilling or beam would one day fall onto me and smash me to spine. Not trying to scare you but you must take it seriously and solve the problem before it causes further irreparable damage to your house..

  8. hmmm, termites!! that could most probably be the case, oh, they are back!! go and find that talkative pest controller again!! good lah, at least it's something more "substantial" than those-you-know-what-i-mean-thing.. :p

  9. hi, claire, you better go to ask the professional who helps ppl to check homes 'coz i was once the then The Chartered Bank Bintulu Steno and I worked closely with the Manager and every year, the bank's management always engage a team of this ppl to fight the pests.
    If not mistaken, it is called Morgan n...or what, really 4gotten as that was in 1980 time!

  10. could be a branch scraping against your house?

  11. oh gosh... sounds scary if termites are back... yes, i better do something more serious this time.. spraying is not enough, i guess... now must drill...

  12. Oh no, not the termites again! You had the pros look, and since they didn't ' find any, I hope it is all clear! Maybe a ghost scraper...

  13. wow! if is termites then you better get someone to fix it! otherwise they gonna tear down ur house! =S

  14. Probably is mouse......If I were you, I sure hide myself inside the blanket.

  15. oh no.. sounds in the middle of the night >< .. termites sounds like a logical explanation

  16. if it's not termites then could be rats.. only this two possibilities maybe.. both are pests so better get rid of them before it gets worse! :(

  17. Oh No! Things that goes bump in the night. I so hope it's not termites, but if it is, pls get it sorted immediately.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...