Monday, March 12, 2012

First Full-Filling Meal In Ming Mei Shi, Sibu

After picking us from the airport, we were taken to Hotel Medan, nice and clean room with two double queen beds, doesn't it sound comfortable? Thanks to Arthur for booking the rooms for us..

Upon reaching the hotel, we were told that dinner would be at around 6.30pm and in that half hour, we did not have time to take our shower... I just had a quick touch up and change of clothing and true enough, the whole gang was downstairs waiting for us... Well, hope we didn't smell bad that night... hahaha...

At the lobby, we were met up with Arthur and family, Ling, Quay Po and her bestie.... with hugs and kisses presented, off we went to the dinner function in this Ming Mei Shi Seafood Restaurant.... As usual, I let my photos tell the rest.................
Here we are... seated comfortably...
in a matter of minutes, the first dish came out...
there were some "oohss" and "ahhss.." 
Sibu ship...
the "clicking" sound began...
someone joked... "Let the camera eat first"... 
This is Blogger's life... hahahaa.. 
Arthur, this one is for you....
when you posted up mine in FB, 
I received a comment that I must have fell on the dish face-flat! 
MIDIN , this is a MUST...
Fish.. the sauce is really unique!
Guess what this is... it wobbles before it was cut up...
wow.. so neatly cut... I love this sauce too!
Tasted great with these steamed mantau dumplings....
Anther Must have...Cangkuk Manis... 
(did I get it right, Arthur?)
another Foochow dish...
beancurd in vinegar soup...
something like shark fin....  :)
Buttered Prawns, Sibu Style!
Arthur told us that he didn't order this.. 
but somehow it came.. and we just "walloped" la... 
Gosh..the dishes seems never ending!
this is Foochow noodles... 
By then.. our stomach were kind of "expanded" 
Lastly and not least... the desserts..
I was very surprised that they were pomelo served...
so cleanly shaven and juicy too...
The Gang in Sibu...
There were eleven of us actually...
One for the album... my first meal in Sibu..
. what a Full-Filling Dinner...


  1. nice group ohoto. bloggers in Sibu! very nice claire! Have fun!

    Latest: Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012

  2. WOW!! so nice wei!! u went to sibu eh?? :)

  3. Gosh, SO many dishes!! Phil would love the buttered prawns!! Do people stare when you start snapping the plates? What about the waiters? They do here! That is why I was afraid to post more than one dish. Your girl is SO pretty and sweet looking!

  4. Looks good, but normaly I expect to see sushi in such a boat.


  5. Glad you all enjoyed the meal. Thanks so much for the treat, ladies & gentleman. So paiseh - I invited, others pay one... this will the first of the many meals to come. 6 a day! Pengsan! LOL!!!

  6. Wa Jelos jelos betul, anyway it must have been a great fun meeting up with the rest of the bloggers

  7. wow niceee! all the sibu bloggers!

  8. Claire, u arrived at the right time without giving a chance for your stomach to growl...hehehehhehe

  9. fun gathering.... have fun in Sibu... :)

  10. Drooling over the dishes. This was indeed a very splendid gathering.

  11. What a Scrumptious meal! So nice :)

  12. Wow, the Sibu ship is so special!

    Looks like a great meet up~

  13. Glad you enjoyed the food. Midin is a specialty over here.

  14. are u sure the beancurd soup is foochow????? the beancurb soup inside got yinpi wanton or not??

  15. Finally, you landed on my hometown

  16. Ahh so many nice dishes.. just read from STP and now yours. I wanna go Sibu too!! :D

  17. Finally you tasted all the delicious dishes of Sibu. A nice gathering with all the bloggers friend.

  18. Claire, like I told Yee Ling, you guys are so fast posting the Sibu trip. Me still working on it. hehe.. It was a fun trip and I am so happy to get to meet you and your kids. I will meet up with you again in July for sure if you are in town. Would love to sing and dance with you again.

  19. The sibu ship is really unique and special. But is it the first dish that served?

  20. The sibu ship is really unique and special. But is it the first dish that served?

  21. MIDIN is like paku pakis here right?

  22. 11 meh...not 12 ah? your son, papa kucing and anak kucing leh...

  23. Kathy: actually i didnt count.. i agak agak only.. heheh..

    joblessgirl: no, they are different.. maybe related only.. :)

    jessie: yes, first dish!! :)

    quaypo: i will make myself available for you then!! do come.. yes, great meeting up with each other in SIBU! Rocks!!

    irene: memang nice!

    sweetwitch:yes, u should go one day!

    BF: aiyah... didnt know u r from Sibu!

    rachel: not foochow meh? must confirm with stp..

  24. Beancurd soup got what wantan? Never heard before. This Foochow version - called "tau hu teer" has those made in China canned oysters and minced meat/pork (and ginger) inside...


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....