Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kampua Noodle In Ipoh

The word "Sibu" seems never ending... I thought I would be writing about something new today but when I read Arthur's comment asking me what happened to the food stuff I brought home, I guess I have to post these pictures up as "proof" that I have cook and enjoyed eating them tremendously!
Arthur, you asked for it!
I am not an avid shopper in Sibu, in fact I didn't buy much... 
Most of the stuff were given by the Sibu host .. lol..
I have asked our friend to get me the kampua noodles...
He gave me a big plastic bag full .. wow!
My mother will be most happy...
and indeed she was when she saw them...
That very week, all of us had kampua noodles for dinner!
She minced some meat, cooked them in soy sauce...
Douched some green vegetables and put them in a separate plate..
I told her not to put dark sauce... 
it wouldn't be kampua anymore if she did...
My sister said this is better than our wanton mee over here..
She asked me when I would be going again.... 
If anyone of you is going to Sibu, just remember to....
"Buy More Kampua Noodles"  :)


  1. sekali makan...mau lagi kekeke...yup...j also love it

  2. Looks nice and I love to have a plate too. Thnx.

  3. kathy: did you buy back any?

    irene: for you should be no problem, right? can get it anytime there! :)

  4. wow... the mee looksss soooooo yummy~~ xD

  5. With the minced meat and veg, it does not look like Sibu kampua...more like Kuching kolo mee. Never mind, as long as it tastes nice.

    Air Asia BIG SALE starts midnight. Log in to make your booking for your next trip to Sibu...FAST!!!

  6. Simply delectable!!! Ok....next trip must buy this. put in the list first

  7. can get these noodles at the shops here in ipoh or not?

  8. hey you get to eat the kampua noodle i always read about.. jealous.. hehe

  9. These look so GOOD! What is it that makes them different from the other kinds of noodles?

  10. Looks starchy and fulfilling...

  11. Ah, claire, your Sibu fever is not over yet, kekekeke....

    I wonder where can we get kampua noodle here? I'm so tempted by your hard promotion on this delicious noodle!

  12. Wah, fresh kampua all the way from Sibu....yum yum!

  13. big plastic bag full of kampua? :D that's so nice, any idea where to get it around peninsular?

    Latest: Authentic Thai Food outside Thailand!

  14. Drooling over you Ipoh Kampua noodles. Kampua noodles have become a must buy item in SIBU. I will bare this in mind. Now, I am trying to look for someone going to SIBU in my office.

  15. One bag full huh? Can eat till your hearts contend. Yummy yummy!

  16. Yum yum.. Come here see food photo make me hungry edy.. LOL

  17. i've written down the to buy list when i visit sibu next cny:D

  18. Looks nice, especially the minced meat.

  19. aiyo... making me wanna fly to Sibu. Wanna try this kampua noodles and kompia.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...