Thursday, April 12, 2012

Desserts For The Stressed...

What a stressful month... so much work to do in the office... even public holidays and weekends are not spared.. I have to work like a "bull?" Or should I say "cow?" 

Too much things on my mind lately... with all the applications that gone awry.... and not deciding yet which college my girl should go to.... all these are in my head....

To think on the brighter side, at least I have a job to do..... and my girl by my side for a few more months before she leaves for further

our favourite dessert...
Never say NO to these....
Stressed leads to Desserts...

That is why the saying... parents never stop worrying for their kids...
no matter how old they are....
to us, they are always young.....
they are still our Babies... :)


  1. Yes, desserts really can make someone's happy ;)
    Cheers ya!

  2. Claire you are right, I am still my mum's baby even now that I am almost 60 years old:D Enjoy your time with you baby as much as you can before she leaves for her studies.

  3. hayley: yes..agreed..just now took a mini snickers! :)

    quaypo: yes,..vice versa... my mum also cooks for me and i still treat my kids like babies.. hahaha...

  4. that ice cream looks delicious. Glad you could take your mind off your worries and enjoy it.

  5. Wow! I want that dessert! Yum!!!

  6. Yes, parents will always treat their children like little babies even when they are all grown up! Haha!

  7. At least your girl has grown up....mine, just only 5 years old and I have a long long way to go.

    Love the dessert...yummy.

  8. You are the strongest Mom I know Claire. And also one who loves desserts more than any other Moms out there :P

  9. your girl is so beautifull;P
    like you! heehee

  10. so meaning stress will lead to FAT!

  11. ya..enjoy and never let stress put us down.

  12. Yes, relaxing yrself with yr children is a stress buster. BTW, which college your gal is going too?

  13. This is the most stressful time for spm graduates. Anyway, there's always a second chance if chose wrongly. I did electrical in poly but did IT in varsity. So, don't over analyze.

  14. Like mother like daughter....SWEEEET!!! :D

  15. YES, Claire! Our son is over 40, but still our baby. And the kids cannot understand this until they have children themselves!

  16. It looks very good, I would like to try it.


  17. Distance does not matter if two hearts are loyal to one another. When she becomes financially independent one day, she will take you along to stay with her.

  18. Yummmmmm!!!! Hey! You two look very happy leh? Not stressed at all... Hmmm...the desserts must be very effective. LOL!!!

  19. Wait till she has gone off to study...and not a sound from her - no call, no sign on Facebook...then you lagi stressed!!! LOL!!!

  20. Enjoy whenever you like. Happy weekend to you.

  21. Baskin Robin 31! I also love desserts cause I am sweet tooth person. Hehehe...

    Thanks for visiting my blog - Travel & Living Journal of DT. In btwn, I am joining a contest organised by Malaysia Airlines. Feel free to visit. Thanks, Claire =D

  22. Yums yums... each person has her own big cup. :) Yeah, our children will always be babies in our eyes, just like how we r in our mother's eyes.

  23. Wow that's dessert are so tempting..and yes it could help our mind more relax..

  24. The ice cream looked so delicious.

    U r making me so emo. To think back, my parents sure felt the same like u now when my brother and I left home to further our studies/works in a different town/country. Mum was so worried we will married to foreigner and never come back again. hahahah.......

  25. Wow...that stressed? Haha :D But then after eating this ice cream you will feel batter right?

  26. It is delicious and seem like you enjoy so much.


Thank you, readers!

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