Monday, April 16, 2012

JPA Scholarship 2012 Is Out Today

 The JPA scholarship is out.... you can check their link here...
Their requirements is 9A+... 

My girl did not achieve all the PLUS PLUS in 9 subjects.... Her chances of getting a scholarship is slim but she told me that if she doesn't apply, she will not even have that slim chance.   By applying, at least the 1% chance of achieving a scholarship is there...  :)

Anyway, we are not putting high hopes on the government scholarship, the competition is just too tight.   Thursday is a holiday here in Ipoh, we are contemplating to go either to Penang or Kuala Lumpur to look at some private colleges.  Most probably she will start in July... meanwhile, she thought of going to Form Six for these two months......


  1. hmm..gng for form 6 two months? But then have to waste money buy books and etc wor

  2. Wishing your daughter all the best. 9As is totally awesome!

  3. Your daughter is so smart! I'm sure she'll get the JPA scholarship. Good luck! :)

  4. go form 6 for 2 mths nia?
    Wish your gal good luck!!

  5. kathy: just a thought.. buying uniform and stuff..yeah, quite a waste too...

    daniel: but not good enough for JPA.. :)

    sweetwitch: I hope she can! :)

    mery: thanks!!

  6. hmmmm, i know it's a tough decision to make whether to go Form 6 or A-Level huh?? well, just see how it goes lah, "the ship sails straight when approaching the jetty" mah~~ :)

  7. Congrats on yr daughter result, I'm sure with her 9As results, there will be scholarships for her in the private colleges.

  8. Congrats on yr daughter result, I'm sure with her 9As results, there will be scholarships for her in the private colleges.

  9. I am sorry, will you be able to afford a private college? Will they work with you on a financial plan?

  10. i echo some of the comments here, gratz on your daughter's achievement. And go for other scholarships, JPA is only one of many out there. Good luck!

  11. Form 6 isn't all too bad... but if she wants private colleges, do enquire from other parents as well. The college counsellors can be quite "sales" driven:P

  12. Good luck. Remember, if not called for interview, phone them and beg and beg...

    It seems no more overseas stint for JPA scholars - most, if not all, that I know in these last two years did matric in Labuan or in local private colleges...and then went to local uni. But at least, they pay for everything and you get an allowance as well...

  13. P.S.
    I agree with missyblurkit. Some may promise you the moon...and when you go there, all the hidden charges will pop out of nowhere.

  14. All the best to your daughter. Wednesday is your public holiday. Yupe can go jalan-jalan while looking for the best options. :)

  15. Then is not a bad idea studying in form six. :D

  16. I agree with the rest, taking Form Six isn't as bad as so many students think.

  17. You can try private college. they do give rebate up to a few thousands with 9A result. Tar College is offering full scholarship with this result. If you want to go local u.. then form 6 is the only choice if you dont get diploma, asasi or matrikulasi from UPU.

  18. is the new Form 6 syllabus out? or have you try checking out on Singapore Uni whether they still take in student who sat for SPM? STPM will have better options to local uni if she wants to do it local.. and the cheapest option than private..

  19. other colleges are offering scholarships as well, or maybe she can try petronas, thestar, thesun scholarships awards :) Good Luck!

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  20. Try TAR College. I think with her results she may be able to get a scholarship.

  21. Thanks for your comments and suggestions, yes, we already applied to many scholarships and now waiting for their response.. not easy but hoping to have at least one.. :)

  22. Just for your info if you have applied for Securities Commission, Khazanah, Axiata and Bank Negara and you have not been contacted by them to go for selection test and interview can consider not successful already maybe except for Bank Negara as those successful have already attended the selection test.

  23. All the best to your girl. No matter what she choose, i'm sure you will give her your support.

  24. Wish her all the best, Claire. She definitely qualifies for full or partial tuition fee waival from some of the private colleges.Rgds,KG

  25. Thanks Anonymous! Yeah, no contact from them so no chance...

    thanks KG.. she might get some waiver off.. yes..


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