Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kiss And Say No...

It was drizzling around 4pm when we reached the traffic light along the Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah traffic light. Our car was stationary, waiting for the traffic light to turn green when all of a sudden, we were "jerked" slightly forward.  Oh dear!!  Don't tell me my Red Babe has been "kissed forcibly" again???

The next scenerio was related by my son.. both of them got down from the car with umbrellas... my son told me that the lady driver behind the wheel kept making a "No, No" sign with her hands.... she didn't even wind down the mirror.... (maybe she was scared of my two "bodyguards!") 

To cut story short, we pulled over to the side of the road and talked... at first she denied hitting our car... she said she didn't hit anything.... then I asked her why her number plate and her bonnet were damaged???   Then only she said, "OH?"....

To cut story shorter... she gave us her phone number, she will call me on Monday or I call her on Monday..she said she is related to my canteen man... lol...

Will check with the mechanic how much to repair and to repaint...  sigh... Sien!
Poor Red Babe...
(Sensitive because I mentioned about Jazz Hybrid the other day?)


  1. there's no need for repaint by seeing from the pic... only fixing needed. bumper is not detached, so should be expensive...

  2. simon: the middle part was scratched.. maybe just paint a bit here and there..

  3. huh? you mean the lady didnt even know that her car had hit yours..? thank god didnt break the rear lights . Anyway, happy easter to you!

  4. CLAIM insurance! Tough to figure out if you were right or the other/stranger was wrong. Beware though, that person might be blogging about this incident with different opinions. Heh!

  5. CLAIM insurance! Tough to figure out if you were right or the other/stranger was wrong. Beware though, that person might be blogging about this incident with different opinions. Heh!

  6. It doesn't look so serious to me. Should be around RM100 or slightly more than that.

  7. So sorry about this, but you did give me a laugh that your car is jealous because you wanted the hybrid!! I hope the lady continues to take the blame and does not try to pull a fast one on you. Wishing you a wonderful Easter, Claire!!!

  8. Your car so nice and flashy one... Ooooo....must be very sakit hati, kena kiss the backside. LOL!!!! Well, accidents not to go out too often but then again, we'll never know!

  9. Yaiksss.. This is bad.. We been good on the road and others were not..somemore denying... Eeeee....

  10. Very heartache right? I also kena before.. =_=

  11. How come the lady driver din realise she knock someone car. Weird rite, must be dreaming while driving.

  12. Once you are hit from behind, in a non emergency situation, the person who hit you is always in the FAULT. That is the rule of the road.

    The damage done to your bumper is not extensive, so claiming insurance might cause your NCB to decrease and you might have to pay for excess before the insurance pays out any claims. Might not be worth it to claim.

    Get 2-3 quotations from car body repair places on how much it will cost to fix it and get the lady to pay for it. Do not leave this matter too long and I hope you made a police report too.

    Happy Easter.

  13. most people would deny it..anyway hope she's paying as promised.

  14. wah if it;s the clip then it;ll cost a lot ler...

  15. So who is gonna to pay for this? You or the lady?...

  16. I didnt report cos it is such a hassle.. tomorrow i will take my babe to the mechanic.. hope it wont cost much... will call the lady and see if she really pays or not... i hope she keeps her words...

  17. Maybe because the colour is red...they say red car tends to get hit more often ler. :/

  18. In any circumstances for me on accident, I will surely report police first.. if that person doesn't pay as agreed, then I will get from the insurance claim especially it does not involve my NCB.. hehehee...

    of course, if I hit ppl *touch wood* then, I will also ask to claim from insurance coz no $$ to pay... :p

  19. Kat said got buy magnum mou. Macam STP get some extra money..ehehheh


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