Monday, April 9, 2012

Kissed And Paid In Full

This morning I sent my Red Babe to seek treatment at the mechanic... he charged RM80 to repair back the bumper back into shape (both sides) and for painting work, he charges RM170.00 so altogether it came to RM250.00 for repairs. Expensive or not? Not so sure but I already estimated it is around that price....(used to being hit from behind... sigh)

Next I called up the lady who "banged" my car and she was very nice, she told me to collect from her daughter who is working at one mall in town. After work I drove over to the mall and called her daughter who came out from the mall with another man. Oh oh... I was thinking, asking a male to "haggle" with me?

Fortunately... no.. in fact both of them were quite polite, the daughter asked me what happened actually and she kept saying "sorry" .... I told her "Its okay... accidents do happen....." (as long as one pays for the compensation after that) hahahaa....
Right and left, the bracket is affected..



  1. Glad it wasn't a hassle getting the compensation from the lady :)

  2. I guess the price is pretty okay. Well, as they always say, as long as you're okay :)

  3. Well, you were quite 'lucky', at least they were nice to you (though it was memang their fault la).
    But you know some people din't admit though it's their fault.

  4. Glad to hear that you get your compensation. It's not easy to get one who is willing to admit and bear the responsibility of paying for the loss of the others. Of course, if only the accident was avoidable, no need to go through all the headache la, hoh?

  5. gratitude: yes, thank God for that..

    isaac: yes, it is all that counts..

    hayley: yes, some will try to "escape" from paying... :)

  6. pam: yeah, no one expects it to happen..but when it does, it is the inconvenience of going through the hassle...

  7. i think there's no point blaming because accidents do happen and already happened so more importantly is to get the aftermaths settled.. great that both the driver and her daughter are nice and polite, and the "victim" of course also nice and polite lah..

  8. irene: yeah, she is nice...

    sk: yes, no need to be so rude and arrogant... after all, we do not want to hit on purpose...

  9. well claire, there are always nice people around us :))

  10. the price is still okay la. =)
    btw u are lucky! at least that fella not hit and run!!! and they are so nice to pay u without negotiation or what.

  11. lena: honest.. :)

    henry: yes.. they didnt pay there and then.. also based on trust.. :)

  12. Glad that everything turns out to be alright. :D

  13. Wow, there really still have nice people in this world. Glad that everything is done now :D

  14. Ya...nothing to worry about. There are some honest people around still...and even if she doesn't pay up, what to do? Just accept it, that's life. Thy will be done...

  15. Glad to hear that nice people worked it out honorably my friend

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  16. Glad to hear that nice people worked it out honorably my friend

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  17. glad to know that the lady paid for the damage...

  18. Now they are so nice. I tot i read in your FB that the lady refused to admit she banged you...

    anyway, glad all is well now :)

  19. Merryn: yes, initially she denied banging me.. only when i said her car also damaged, then she apologised.. i think she didnt realize it..

  20. Glad that you got back the compensation. Some people just hit and run.

  21. As long as they pay and not run away, that's good I guess.. Too many ppl just langgar lari these days or don't want to mengaku their fault

  22. Phiewww... Thank God can get refund.. :)

  23. wow thank God everythign went smoothly! *phew!*


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