Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Longest Flight

The longest flight I have ever taken in my whole life (until today) is my trip to Canada.  All in all, the whole journey from Malaysia to Toronto airport was around 24 hours!  Of course the flight includes the transit from two countries, they are Hongkong and Anchorage, stopping at these two countries and adding up the hours of flying, it took almost a day to reach Toronto.

Nevertheless, when we landed, all our weariness and fatigue worn off.... the weather in April was so nice and wonderful in Toronto.  My mum and I spent three weeks staying with our friends who took us around this beautiful city.  We spent another week following some local tours to Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec...oh, not forgetting Niagara Falls as well!

Looking through my photos a moment ago really brings back sweet memories and joy... How I wish I could have another opportunity to take off again... I would love to make another trip to Canada but first I would like to fly to UK to meet up with my friends first.  Maybe from there we can check out some cheap flights to Canada from UK...
Behind me is the US waterfall, side by side 
with the Niagara Falls..
 My Canadian friend who took us around...
 I have been doing these "sign" ever since I was "young"... lol..
The Spectacular sight of Niagara Falls...
Simply Awesome....


  1. I can't sleep when travelling so long hauls are a real torture. Wasn't so bad when young - at my age, I dunno if I can stand it still...

  2. I dread long flights. If my US is not my Quay Lo's country, no way I will go there. More than 8 hours flight, no TQ:D

  3. I guess all of us dread long flights, nice if we can reach any destination within an hour.. :)

  4. I understand ur feelings. Even 14 hours flight from Malaysia to UK during my study time, also I knot tahan. Feels like want take sleeping pill and sleeping soundly. Hehehe

    How I wish I could have Doraemon's door where can reach everywhere?

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Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...