Sunday, April 15, 2012

Reanaclaire's Signature Dishes!

Confession time... Yes, I have not cook for a long long time.. When Andy came back for a month long holiday, can you guess how many times I cook for him? I am sure no one will be able to guess it correctly... I am shy to tell also...but will still disclose because I am not a 24 hours mom after all... :)  Perhaps he knows his mom is not a good cook so better not ask... lol...

The only day when I cook during his month long semester holiday was when his brother came back from Singapore.... he has been eating outside food all the time and his special request was one meal home cooked food.  Knowing very well his mother is not a "complicated" cook, he only asked for these simple dishes such as below.... 
My last tin of SPAM (black pepper ham)
Potato chicken, Reanaclaire's dish....
my mother "donated" steamed chicken... :)
Broiled broccoli to balance up the meal....
Radish soup....
Reanaclaire's once a Blue Moon Meal.. lol..
Elin's famous baked cheesecake for my kids!
Everyone Happy?


  1. ooo, healthy and yummy, am pretty sure everyone's happy at the table :P.. in fact I see someone is so happy until he took off his shirt, yes? :)

  2. nice eggs and ham... put some chaipo will be nicer...

  3. Claire, you can cook quite well lol.
    Cheese cake looks good...share the recipe.I wanna try too..

  4. yeah, simple yet nutritious.. :)

  5. isaac: he took off cos he helped in the cooking!

    wk: yes ah?? ham is quite salty already.. :)

    mery: quite well only... :)

    wenn: haha... not bad ....

  6. gosh! those are definitely good signature meals. those are happy dishes!

  7. The dishes are nothing new to me cos I eat them regularly. I cook the same type of food (or similar) every day. The theory of substitution works very efficiently in my kitchen. E.g. prawn omelette, onion omelette, mushroom omelette etc. Blanched various kinds of leafy green veg, steamed pork/chicken/fish. Well, I don't think I am a maestro at home but at least nobody leaves the dining table half way through. Haha.

  8. scrumptious lah! I'd be happy with all of the above. Got cheesecake lagi! Yums!

  9. Wow! Love all these home-cooked dishes!! And the cheese cake too! Yummy!

  10. The boys look so happy with your dinner. And the potato chicken looks AWESOME!!! Is that eggs with the spam? Do you no like to cook or just don't have the energy after working all day?

  11. Awww...nothing beats mommy's dishes right? ;D

  12. I would love to eat the spam + egg. My late mom used to cook this dish quite often as well.

  13. Mum's own-cooked dishes...ALWAYS the best! I was going to say, much...until I saw the last photo - your nephew's there tpoo! LOL!!!

  14. Humph!!! Elin!!! Where is mine????? Tsk! Tsk!

  15. those are simple but they are the home-cooked food that you can't find it elsewhere! niceeee! and im hungry ad! TT

  16. When i go Ipoh look for you, any chance to try your home cook meal? lol

  17. I'm sure to him, this is the best dinner he has because it is done in love. ....

  18. Those food looks not bad, Claire. As long as it was cooked with love, your sons would appreciate it.

  19. Wow, not too bad, looks good and healthy too huh? Nice blog design by the way.

  20. Looks good cook what..dont shy hehee

  21. blurkit: hahaha... happy dishes!

    pam: these are my special cos i dont know any more special than this.. hahaha...

    merryn: thanks to elin!!

    foong: simple hor!

    tekkaus: i hope they agree with you!

    ginny: yes, it is spam with eggs, yes, i m very tired when i get home each evening..

    stp: yeah lo..he said best wor! hahaa... wait till his mum hears that!

    henry: u must go home more often la.. :)

    sharon: u r anytime better!! :)

    daddy: i hope so, yes!

    yan: one meal is better than none.. hahaha...

    thristan: thanks!

    alv: shy to disclose how many times i cook per year.. hahaha...

  22. I thought you didn't even cook at home? no lah just joking because I see more of you makan makan ouside from your blog,,can't blame ya,, you have to juggle so many things,therefore missing on cooking is pardonable ..

    hey have a great week ahead ya

  23. irene: dont play play.. hahaha...

    eugene: yeah, u didnt read ah.. i think i cook less than 5 times per year..gosh! so malu-ing!

  24. Not bad! At least you still can cook! And I also admit I like you too, dont really cook that much! Once in blue moon. And sometimes once a week I cook soup in the shop so my hubby will not complain that he didnt get to drink any nutritious soup after a hard day at work! Lol

  25. Home cooked food is always the best. You say you are not a good cook, what are all those on the table. All the delicious dishes.

  26. Wa...Claire can cook man....not bad. Next time invite me over la :))

    Arthur : when you come to Ipoh la. Sure bake one for you. Claire not taking the cake over for me...say travel light ma...scold her ya. She only allocate a small space for me only biscuit lo. Come to Ipoh sure bake one for you :)

  27. A meal fit for a king! Congrats!

  28. you are a working mum, so you got a reason not able to cook frequently. These are homey lovely dishes,claire!how about cancel our poon choi and come to your house and eat? haha!

  29. it is definetely a good homecook mummy meal...
    anyone got add rice? :)

  30. All the food looks yummy leh Claire.. I want the cake most! Haha :D

  31. rose: u too? I would love to cook but sometimes just too plain lazy..

    irene: the most simple dishes in IPoh..hahaha..

    elin: Claire can cook but cannot bake! hahaha...

    gigi: so serious! hahaha..

    simpleperson: they didnt add cos their plates of rice was full enough.. :)

  32. very home cooked meal. Not just healthier, I can see so much love too..

  33. Claire can cook lah! ;-) those are yummy homecooked dishes ;-)

  34. Lena: that would be my greatest pressure not pleasure. Haha

    Agnes: once a year affair!

  35. simple food but all have extra ingredient which is LOVE. Something money can't buy. That cheesecake look so yummy!

  36. Sometimes the most simple food is the best! Your children are used to it so it will be the best for them..:) Those dishes are good enough for me!

  37. Very interesting recipes, i also want join your dining table.


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