Tuesday, April 10, 2012

UTP Admission Results & MOE Offer

The Petronas University (UTP) has released their shortlisted results for the educamp yesterday.  My girl was not one of the shortlisted ones, we were quite disappointed cos UTP is her first choice. 

UTP is kind of special, to be accepted, the students have to go through a night/two nights stay in the campus itself.  They have to go through a special program and from there, the students are shortlisted again....

Our Plan A is dashed... guess now we have to go for Plan B....

I was listening to the radio this evening... I heard something like those with 9A+ have a great chance of getting a scholarship and you can log in to www.moe.gov.my for further details on the 15 April, 2012 .....


  1. Too bad for your daughter. So sorry.

  2. No worries...things happen for a better reason. Stay positive.

  3. Just keep your fingers crossed. Nothing is impossible here as long as you are willing to try. When God closes a door, He opens a window.

  4. gigi: its ok.. just keep going forward...

    blurkit: yes..thanks!

    Pam: He has a way.. yes! maybe there are other plans..

  5. keep trying and all the best!

  6. Sorry to hear that...anyway, there are definitely other options..don't be too upset...

  7. Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven... Keep the faith - pray for knock, and the door will be open...ask and you will be given - even if it means calling them to appeal and bawling your eyes out...or driving to the place. Be sweet and nice though - remember, they are in control.

  8. Don't give up. Try other option. If there is a will there is a way.

  9. when a door closes..there is always a window

  10. Don't give up..there might be better change waiting for her out there. Good luck !!

  11. I am sure plan B will work. :D

  12. Wish the plan B work. Good luck.

  13. With her good results, I'm sure things will work out soon. All the best!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...