Sunday, June 10, 2012

Euro 2012 In Ipoh Parade To Starbucks

Both of us couldn't sit still in the house, the weather was so warm and our house is not fully air conditioned. Instead of locking ourselves in the bedroom, we ventured out to the malls to see what's happening these days.
Ipoh Parade lobby is filled with balls... 
It must be in theme with the Euro 2012
(recycled pic from yesterday)
My girl asked me to do some camera trick...
She said she wanted to "catch" the hanging ball in her hand...
Ok... up a bit..turn left.... don't move your hand!!
(not bad, huh....)

After some hours, it is TIME....
Time to have our tea-break in Starbucks...
lemonade ice and chocolate yogurt slice cake!
A piece per week is fine, right?

 So... how about you?
How did you spend your weekend?


  1. hahaha...or many with panda eyes! hahaha..

  2. I love the pix catching the ball....

  3. wow! such a big ball there eh? =P

  4. So refreshing with lemonade drink and yogurt cake, specially for health-conscious people...

  5. Looks like a very relaxing weekend

  6. mery: me too.. not bad, hor.. lol..

    pam: both of us are really conscious... maybe due to lack of exercise.. :)

    simpleperson: how about yours?

  7. haha, yalah, hot weather better go to shopping mall to enjoy free air-cond!! wow, Ipoh people so crazy about football until shopping malls also need to decorate with footballs to attract them?? :p

  8. I love the hand with the ball photo trick, I want to try it with the moon. We have Starbucks everywhere, and go there often. But they do not have anything like this!!!! OH, I wish they did!!!

  9. SK: not me.. i m not crazy about football, only badminton.. :)

    ginny: i didnt know it was so easy until my girl taught me.. hahaha..

  10. Ahhh... Starbucks.. I kenot have that once a week, very da mahal. Instead I can only afford Snowflake dessert :D

  11. Wow, so clever. Know how to do camera trick. Chocolate cake looks good.

  12. Hahahah, I no like football one leh,,,,,so I m fine withe all this euphoria of Euro 2012... if any of friends is betting, please tell them to have"self control"

  13. merryn: I dont have snowflake here in Ipoh.. sigh..

    irene: youngsters know better nowadays! haaa..

    eugene: hey, i tot you are a Big fan of soccer..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...