Friday, June 15, 2012

My Three Pineapples

More than 24 years ago, one boy was created.... 
More than 21 years ago, another boy was created....
More than 17 years ago, a girl was created....
First one is cheerful... 
Second one is humorous... 
Third one is cute....

As years go by, each of them go their separate ways...
One is north, one is south and one in the middle region...
The north and the south will make their way back this weekend...
Both of them will be here this weekend...

The one in the middle region longs to be home too...
But due to some events, she cannot join us...
However... we will get to meet one way or another...

"If the mountain cannot come to us, 
it is always possible for us to go there..."


  1. so have such wonderful children.

  2. aww... dis is so cute! u have beautiful kids Claire. They look so yummy I wanna eat them! :P

  3. then next time you can travel around the world after they have settled at their regions :) cherish the time with family

    Latest: Summer Splash from Paris

  4. wenn: you too!.. thank God for that..

    merryn: eat the biscuits or my kids? hahaha...

    fish: yes, hope we can go here there and everywhere...

  5. As we all grow, we begin one by one to leave the nest. No more babysitters... we make our own plans for the weekend and our parents are left watching us go and waiting for us to return... that's life...

  6. Cute cookies! Are you talking about your kids, you will all be together?

  7. Sobssss!!! Sobssss!!!! Mine is leaving today to go over to your part of the world... Hiazzzzz!!!!

  8. What a cute post, referring to your children as biscuits!...adorable!
    Come to think of it, a friend of my daughter called her first little baby girl "biscuit" and the name is still stuck with her at the age of 10.

    Thanks for your comment on Quay Po
    (Veronica's) blog...I left a reply there for you!
    Your blog is very nice with interesting and informative posts!

  9. so cute! where you get this? makes me smile looking at these..:) happy a lovely weekend with your pineapples!

  10. Wow, the pineapples looks sooooooo cute. That's is life, Claire. Sooner or later, they will leave the nest for a green pasture.

  11. Claire, i think you are very blessed with your 3 kids!
    Take care and enjoy the family weekend! ;)

  12. Happy weekend, and enjoy your time with your kids.

  13. well soon the biscuit will get other new biscuit and come out with baby biscuit...
    lol .. have a great weekend ya..

  14. pam: yes, the cycle of life.. this is where parents are like playing kites.. letting go little by little..

    ginny: yes!! hahaha.. little cute biscuits!

    stp: then it is time for you to come over to our part here!! come!!

    elisabeth: hi..thanks for coming by... do continue to keep in touch through our blogs!

    lena: my friend bought this from Tasek.. i must ask her where the shop is.. so cute and nice to eat too!!

    hayley: thanks!! you will be blessed too!

    irene: yeah, you know better.. they have to go one day..hahahaa...

    yan: thanks!! u too!

    simpleperson: hehehe... yes!!!!

  15. hehhe..oh thats nice , put a smile on my face:) great story!

  16. The biscuits are so cute! You are blessed with 3 wonderful kids! The best gift from God! Hope you had a good weekend.

  17. I was really touch about the story. It is really nice to know that as years go by people change, people go far away but still connection still remains.


Thank you, readers!

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