Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One Way To Avoid Snatchers

After hearing so many cases of robbery and snatch thieves that is happening around us each day, I myself cannot help feeling paranoid wherever I go.  Even though I clutch my pouch tightly around my hands and fingers, it does not help anything if one has the intention to snatch it away.

Those umpteen years ago, snatch thieves do not use tactics like knocking down the victims with their helmets or pushing them down before snatching the victims' belongings.  During my younger days, snatch thieves were just snatching the handbags off the shoulders or from the hands and that was it....

I had my own experience being a snatch thief victim in the late 70s, I was walking along Cowan Street (now Jalan Raja Ekram) with my friend.  It was around 6 something in the evening and I was holding a long wallet (crocodile skin type) and then all of a sudden, I felt the wallet just snatched off or taken away from my hand.... Just like that.... it was over in less than a two seconds.... didn't know how to scream... just "gawking" after the lone motorcyclist... and that was it..... thank God there was no pushing and knocking heads down those days.....

I was thinking... nowadays... how to avoid being a victim to these snatchers.... is there a way to discourage them?  How to prevent being a fallen victim?

An idea came to my mind... don't know whether it works or not....

Do you think this will help avoid snatchers if I wear shabbily instead of presentable?  Will it be a good idea if I just put on my old Tee, a worn out culottes/knee length shorts without make-up, without handbags and anything attractive? 

IN other words, does it help being a Plain Old Jane Me?  Being that, perhaps I will have a ease of mind walking shabbily around without feeling paranoid..... sigh...


  1. Nowadays, I usually put on 'special attire' when I walk out of my house. Shorts, school girl's Tee, socks, sneakers, cap and a teenager's rucksack. As I hop and run about, nobody would know how much cash I carry with me thus preventing myself from becoming a target of robbery. (Hopefully this method will work forever...)

  2. pam, yes, do stay young forever, I like it! Too bad I cannot run and hop.. i will look abnormal if i do.. hahaha... meanwhile i stick to my old tees and worn out pants! :)

  3. Yes, heard crime rate in Ipoh is going up. If you can, try not to carry a handbag/purse, won't give them any ideas of doing it to you.

  4. Less bling. Be discreet. And be aware of our surroundings.

  5. the snatch thieves now are getting more violent and they have every trick to snatch away belongings of others, and i must say they are many times very "skillful".. and most of the time we are also relaxed and not vigilant enough, it's really tense if we keep alert at every second right..

  6. Get Labbie to always accompany you whenever you go for walks! >.< I think Labbie can help scare snatches away...she's such a big girl...(darn, I miss Labbie so, so much!)

  7. One lady I know is now using plastic bag to carry her stuff....kena snatched to many times liao!

  8. Just don't carry handbags. Or purse. And don't wear jewelry even fake ones. But no need to go to the extent of dressing shabbily haha! Then not only will the snatch thieves avoid you, even your friends will avoid you hahaha!!

  9. No it doesn't help. as long as there's a handbag, they'll snatch em. And furthermore, a girl gotta always look good! lol~

    Well, in the end, your life is more important than your things/money/bag. In the worst situation, just let go. Cards and things can be replaced easily. but not your life :)

    And try not to carry too much valuable stuff in your handbag. limit cash that u bring. So if it happens, (touch wood) at least u know that the things are replaceable.

  10. kash: yeah, try to avoid handbags.. but sometimes no pockets to put my stuff..

    lina: never wear blings/gold for many years already.. what they want is cash nowadays..

    sk: yes, they attack when we least expect them to.... must be alert..

    cleff: too bad cannot take her to work.. or to shopping! oh yeah..why dont they allow that huh.. at least to the parking lots! :)

    pete: yes, i have friends who use plastic bags too..

    foong: hahaha.. better safe than never ma...

    nana: unless im working.. otherwise after work, i am shabby.. hahaha.. more comfortable in old tshirts...

  11. so scary to think about that..

  12. Agreed with nana... But even put your belonging at home also no more guarantee it will safe.. My hse just been robbed recently.. And really no place is safe anymore..

    My jewerly was all gone.. And what the police question me when i maka a report? 'kenapa simpan dalam rumah???'.. I got confused... Thinking.. So whr to keep them? Bring them along??


  13. This is a really good question, Claire!!! You are so pretty, it would be a shame to make yourself look bad just to foil crooks. One thing I have heard, do not carry your purse with your hand!!! It is very easy for criminals to snatch it, that is what they look for. Better to wear a cross body bag that goes over your head, they could not get it easily and will go on to other people. Here, there are lots of real pretty bags like this, and it also frees your hands. I have some.

  14. Snatch thieves are very daring nowadays. They are not humans.

  15. Dress like me...and carry a tattered and torn Kiew Brothers paper bad with musking tape all over - everyone would run away, scared that you will snatch their wallet or purse. LOL!!!

    But frankly, I always feel that what will happen will happen. The only important thing is personally, one isn't harmed or hurt in any way.

  16. wenn: yeah.. makes us paranoid..

    cath: so sorry to hear that.. my house has been entered too..long ago... really heartbreaking...

    stp: yeah, one has to be careful and cautious and as u said, when it wants to happen, it happens but we also must be alert... take what they like but dont harm us...

    irene: sigh... what is the world coming to....

  17. ginny: we have those straps over here too but then it doesnt help.. when they want to snatch, they will push us down and then take the bag from our shoulders... sigh...

  18. I was wearing just shorts and cheapalak T-shirt when I was snatched the other time.. After that incident, I don't carry my wallet in my hand anymore.. I either have just the cash in my pocket, or I carry a bigger bag which sling across.. guess limiting the 'exposure' of the cash and chances helps...

  19. Normally im in baggy shorts with pockets so my tiny wallet can fit in (just enough to buy groceries, etc). Other than that, TAKE NOTE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AT ALL TIMES.

  20. They (the thieves) look for opportunity, care less for what we wear and aim for what we have in our hands.

    Try to be alert to our surrounding and don't get carry away on the phone. If they want to snatch, I can't avoid it. But don't hit/push me T_T

  21. Now, we just can't be too careful cos these thieves will strike like a wind, you just never know when it will happen,, just be alert lah,, don't show off, bling no more,,

  22. cyn: scared to sling over shoulder too..they might just pull us down like that...

    familyfirst: only after work, i have pockets!

    yvonne: yeah, i must remember ... sometimes i talk on the phone while good..

    eugene: yeah,esp on the ladies.. cos easier prey than men...

  23. Yes, do be extra careful. No place is safe now. Scary reading the news every day, must have someone been snatched, robbed or kidnapped.

    If not necessary, I dont bring handbag. Just put my mobile, money and ID in pocket.

  24. yes it definetely help..
    my motto is do not reveal your valauble stuff..
    Even my mum stop to carry handbag nows.. but nwo the thief even smarter..ask you to strip naked like it happen to PJ SS3 area..

  25. yes it definetely help..
    my motto is do not reveal your valauble stuff..
    Even my mum stop to carry handbag nows.. but nwo the thief even smarter..ask you to strip naked like it happen to PJ SS3 area..

  26. rose: me too.. try not to take handbags..

    simpleperson: yeah, i heard of this happening to those who go for early morning walks... sigh..

  27. Me too have been a victim of snatch thief. We just have to be careful all the time!

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  28. wnatchers will snatch when they have the opportunity. Have to be careful


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