Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weng Kee With Andy And Pete...

Andy is the first to be home, arriving yesterday in the evening.... took our dinner at Buntong noodles before calling it a day... Went out around noon today to have our first meal at old town selling "golden noodles." 

Then we adjourned to Toyota to have a look at the new Camry model... it was super nice but too bad, we do not have enough cash to call it our own...... hahahaaa.... We went home not empty handed though, we bought 10 sticks of ice cream potong instead....

By 6pm, both of us were feeling very hungry already... so we opted for rice meal in this Weng Kee Restaurant in Ipoh Garden South....
Andy with his humorous look...
My No.1 Blog Fan..... I cannot leave home without him....
he is my bodyguard when my princes are not around...
He can be very cheeky too... 
Took a picture of how we spent our "waiting time".....
Ok, next time new ruling....
No Hand Phones During Meals!
Our first dish arrived...
Steamed Herbal chicken soup...
followed by steamed clams... (lala)
Stir fry kailan with yam
Honey chicken - wonder why just a few pieces actually....

The bill came to RM50.30 plus drinks...
It is a bit on the pricey side... 
After our meal, we went to church...
That's our Saturday spent...


  1. Are you shopping for a car for you or for Andy? Camrys are very good, but here they are real expensive. What makes the golden noodles golden? Is the other boy a neighbor of yours? I am sure you will have a headache after all my questions!!!

  2. Yup during meals time ... no playing with phone .. but taking pictures is OK le... :p
    have a great sunday ya..

  3. Not Mahal lo . steam soup so nice leh. got lala and meat. lol...for a moment there I thought its peteformation lol..

  4. ginny: surely not a camry! hahaha.. over here it is very expensive too.. something i cannot afford! that boy is my nephew! hahaha..he likes to stick by me.. :)

    simpleperson: u too.. thanks!!

    kathy: oh pete..oh yeah.. forgot to add his blog back!

  5. wow, the food looks so captivating. makes me hungry..hehe
    good day!

  6. Price ok, food looks ok...but Camry, not ok - so very expensive. Anyway, for me here - small need for nice car. Better save the money for old age...

  7. i see you're using an iphone? what were you doing on your phone there? :P

  8. Food looks good. Having 2 chicken dishes cooked in different way. Your No.1 Blog Fan looks cute with his new hair cut.He likes to stick by you cos he knows he will never go hungry, hehehehe.

  9. the lala looks good. I havent had it for a long time. The last time I had it at Tambun, i suffered for a few days. Allergy but I loved it :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...