Wednesday, July 25, 2012

30 Is Not Enough!

Oh dear, I don't seem to have enough "leave" for this year... how nice if I could buy "leave" from my male colleague who always seem to have "abundant!"   My eyes always "drool" when I see his balance of leave.... I wouldn't mind paying RM10 for one day of leave... if only I could buy some days leave.... RM20 per leave also I will grab!!

By the way, why is it called LEAVE?  Leaving the office?  " How much leave do you have left?"   English language is truly amazing!

Coming back to my topic, I think I will have to resort taking "No Pay Leave" in the later part of the year.  One day = RM......$$ .....flying away.....

But when I imagine the cooling weather and sunny skies running through my mind, the "Pay Cut" will be worth every cent deducted.

So... how many days leave do you have annually?  Are they sufficient for you?  From the very first day I started working, I had 7 days only.. (I remember not finishing them in a year)... then 14 days... after that 20 (that was when I got married and the leave was never enough.... )... and now I have 30 days ... and STILL never say Enough!

Gosh... I heard someone telling me to go for 365 days of holidays!!


  1. Teachers have 7 days per annum. There is a misconception about teachers getting lots of holidays e.g. school holidays. For your info, teachers are always on call, before holidays, during holidays, after holidays. We are required to go to school on Sundays when there is a function and we work for free. So far, none of us has ever been paid OT for the extra work we do. Our status is always: TETAP (kerja gila) DAN BERPENCEN (separuh mati)!

  2. Wa ....30 days not enough ah? Lol!

  3. pam: I heard of that.. those days teachers were not so stressful but then their pay were lower then.. and now teachers have to work much more but with better and higher pay.. :)

    elin: not enough la.. can sell to me some? :)

  4. Going somewhere again,, next time,"yi mai quah la: count me in...

  5. You are too much! If I have 30 days, I will have more than enough.

  6. 30 days... N it is not enough...
    I hardly take leave I think I have 14 days

  7. I think 30 days is also not enough for me if I'm working in office. Sometimes sick, sometimes emergency, den dono wud else will crop up... where got enuff? :(

  8. wow..that's nice! I don't even have leaves but my staff has 8 days each.

  9. I have my own business which means I have no leave at all.. And working at odd hours, lagi crazy I think.. Sometimes I feel like a 40 year old.. So tired.. :(

  10. You take leave from your work, leave of absence mah. I have 365 days leave...ain't that great? Muahahahahaha!!!!

  11. Don't worry when you reached the age of 60, you will enjoy 365 days leave like Arthur. Then you will say you have more than enough, hehehehehe.

  12. Wahh...30 days also not enough some more want to buy...ahahahhaha. **envy* Me have 16 days.

  13. My company don't have leave policy. We can only take leave based on boss's mood. If good mood, our leaves approved. If he is unhappy, leave not approved and we got 'machine gun' by him somemore.... sad!

  14. I have 30 days and really, I can take leave any time BUT guess what, even when I'm on leave, I'm never really on leave cuz I'm always working!!! Even when I'm out at the beach!!!

  15. eugene: sure or not ah???

    jessie: hehe.. come to think of it, i memang too much..

    simpleperson: u r man ma.. man seldom take leave one.. dont know why..

    cleff: thanks for agreeing! hahaa..

    wenn: if i were you, i also no need leave lor.. anytime can go! :)

    stp: u r so blessed!! hahaha..

    irene: aiyoh..60 years old first? gosh.dont know still got teeth to eat or not.. hehehe..

    ling: last time i had more than enough.. 7 days also couldnt finish!!

    mnhl: haha..that sounds like your husband boss? :)

    mamapumpkin: working on the pc, you mean?? :)

  16. I now start at 12 days, and still not enough... just the 2 festive seasons will kill 10 days for me already..

  17. After work for so many year in current company, now I have 22 days pay leave a year. Seem you are going for holiday soon, good to take a break and getaway.

  18. but too bad leaves are not transferable, haha.. even if you can buy leaves, RM10 or RM is not enough!! with the minimum wage of RM1200 divided by 25 working days in a month, at least have to pay RM48 lah~~ hehe!!

  19. i only have 21 days per year... and i have to clear 7 days every 4 months... not enough!!!

  20. I got 18 days and cannot finish....

  21. i have no leaves at all for 90 days cos im under probation ahahah...Definitely i really miss "Leaves"oo..

  22. planning some vacation or something?? hmm well in my case i have all the tme for iam unemployed at the moment hoho

  23. 30 days not enough but still have 30 days MC to use mah LOL


Thank you, readers!

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