Monday, July 23, 2012

An Agonising Night And Morning

A body massage with my regular beautician left me almost sleepless last night.  She detected something not right on the part every women seems to fear.... she told me to see a doctor.... that left me thinking of the Capital C the whole evening through....

Early this morning I couldn't wait to go and check it out with a gynae... unfortunately my all-time gynae has retired, he is of a different race from me and and I feel more relaxed with him... (he was handsome... then)  Too bad he is no more working and I felt at a loss who to go to...

Feeling undecided, somehow, I drove all the way to Kinta Medical Hospital but the nurse told me that it was full for the day!  Not wanting to give up, I proceeded to the next hospital along Kampar Road... I was not familiar with the place there but nevertheless I feel the need to get it over with.... I am of an impatient character, I want fast results.....

After waiting for nearly two hours, it was my turn... he is a chinese gynae in his early 40s.  Very friendly and pleasant at least, that is a consolation... first, he checked my blood pressure and to my horror, he told me that it was sky high, 190/100!  Ready to be admitted!

However he consoled me that it might be due to my stress, not to worry, he said..... then, it was time to lie down (the most dreaded part).... Told me to relax, very gently, he did a full private check up from the top to the bottom for me... ultra sound, poke here, poke there... (ladies, I am sure you understand what I am saying here... )

Then finally he told me that everything seems to be fine according to scan, nothing seems to be found, however, if I really want 100% results, he advised me to go for a mammogram... oh oh.... that is what I fear... painful, right?

Anyway, for now, I can relax a bit ... since the gynae said so far, so good... so let it be good!  The mammogram can come later...  oh, by the way, the blood pressure went down to 150/90 after the check up!  Still on the high side.... need to monitor, he said...

Guess I need to go for more "de-stress-ment."  Maybe go for a nice holiday or do something I love ... (singing!) so that the "stress" can disappear.... vanish.... and not haunt me.....


  1. Come KL, we go makan makan and de-stress, ok or not?

  2. When you are anxious, blood pressure sure go up. I had that too but it went down as soon as you are relax. Aiya...u r like your bro la...super kancheong! Just de- stress and chill out! Jog and sweaT!

  3. cleff: ok, if got chance, i go!

    chris: runs in the family, right?

  4. yea you do get high blood pressure when you are stressed. but it's good to do mammogram...

  5. come KL. already got standing invites jor. LOL

  6. 190/100? Sounds scary but I am pretty sure that's due to your stress. Not to worry too much, always think positive.

  7. Its is advisable to get the mammogram done. Don't feel stressed to do it but if God forbid, early detection is better than being too late.

  8. Try to relax a bit, do the mammogram to be sure. I once felt something hard on one of my "Twins" and the doctor told me sometimes it happens when you take the pill (I can't remember the medical term right now)...anyway I did the mammogram and it was ok!

    Take care!


  9. medie: yes..doc!

    kathy: thinking about it!! :)

    pam: i am the worrying kind..gosh!!

    kash: yes, i will do it soon...

    laura: yes, to get a peace of mind.. but he said mammogram cannot be done to often too..

  10. Fear not and no worries. Your health is in God's hand. No harm shall come upon you. IJN.

  11. I think my blood pressure just shot up just by reading this post!! I'm glad da new gynae said you are okay. Take care Claire. Don't stress yourself too much..

  12. jessie: thank you!

    merryn: yeah, u too.. we better take it easy...

  13. Wow! Really high your blood pressure!!! But since it came down after that, then not really that high. Still, you need to bring it down further.

    Will you be doing the mammogram?

  14. foong: yes, I will do.. but not tomorrow or the next.. let my BP go down first... :)

  15. Good luck and best wishes. You should have your BP checked by an internist. Also buy a BP monitor for home use. Not too expensive. I check mine at home once a day and take BP medication, too. When the BP is too high, the doctor adjusts the dosage of the meds.

    Also, you should have a mammogram ever year.

  16. take care and do your check up..stay healthy.

  17. Oh my make me scared, Claire! But so relieved to hear everything is OK. Maybe you can read more about mammogram before you go for it. There are a lot of research and reports abut it. Yes, time to your guitar, badminton, more karaoke or come here to Scotland for holiday :D Please take care.

  18. Yes, still very high...but above 50 years old - 140/90 is very normal. Just relax, watch your diet, stay active...will be fine.

    Worrying helps no one. Have faith. Just pray, God will take care of the rest.

  19. yeah, i think most probably the high blood pressure was due to your stress and a whole sleepless night.. must destress with more food, and i mean more healthy food lah, and haha, karaoke singing with your gang??

    p/s: hope your report will come out with excellently healthy result.. :)

  20. Hope everything is fine. Don't worry, God will be taking care of you.

  21. Relax...come to Sibu again for holiday..

  22. hope everything turn out alright..
    don't worry....

  23. Sometimes when you feel scared, not enough sleep, your blood pressure will also shoot up. Hope everything turns out fine. God Bless You.

  24. Here's wishing you all the best in your mammogram! Go relax and unwind! :)

  25. Odds are, everything is fine, and you're blood pressure was just high from stress!! Don't worry too much, just get the mammogram soon so you don't have more time to worry. Good luck!!

  26. Thanks my friends! I will go for a mammogram.. one fine day.. :) let me relax a bit for now first.. pheww....

  27. Claire....i think it is lack of sleep that leads to that skyrocketed high blood pressure. Do take care....

  28. I will be as scare as you if this matter is concerned. Now, you can relax a bit already.

  29. You ha,told you not to sit in front of the PC so much already ma,,,some more do so many PPPs,,,

    Relax a bit here and there lah,,,,,,,I think you really should,not so nice to stress it out so much,,,,,,,,ya

    Must take care lol,, must be strong,to see those anak anak kahwin,then you become nenek and play with the grand children,okay sis?

    Rest in the presence of the Lord ya

  30. Relax and dont think too much of it.

    I also have such experiences back then, before I were married and have kids. I was too stressed and depressed to eat and I cried few days. Luckily my hubby (bf then) was supportive otherwise I could not face of going to hospital for check up and surgery then.

    Found many lumps in my breasts and after poking, touching and testing by male doctor, it was confirmed non cancerous. I did not go for mammogram since doctor did not advise me to. But still I go through the agony of removing the membranes from both breasts. Still some lumps on both, that one cannot avoid but at least the lab test come out negative. Sigh! Since then I have not yet gone for my check up. Must do it someday.

    Maybe like you said, a holiday with family is good and destress for you. Be positive, it is nothing bad as you think.

  31. i agree it the stress that cause you a high blood pressure maybe relax your self i agree you should do things that you love the most for you to take that stress out of your life
    thanks god you're ok by the way

  32. rose: it must be an alarming experience for you, the waiting must be agonizing too.. but happy to know that all's well ends well...

  33. Come KL and KalaOK with QP and Arthur.


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