Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Expenses Incurred In US Visa

Some of you asked me how much it cost to apply for an US visa, let me tell you that it is now RM512 and this is to be banked in to Standard Chartered Bank before you do the application online.

I am the "kiasi" type so I went to a tour agency to do the application for me.  If you want to do it yourself, here are the following websites:-

http://www.ustraveldocs.com/my/ & http://malaysia.usembassy.gov/visas.html

When I clicked on them, I want to "pengsan." (faint)...  Too stressed to go through the steps.. that is why I rather paid the tour agency to do it for me and that cost another RM100.

Driving down to KL cost another RM100 in petrol and in toll... so adding up the cost and expenses, the total bill comes to RM712 (excluding the sleepless night, mental stress and the air tickets)     :))

Oh, by the way, it does not end there... as Doc said in my comment, there is another "barricade" when we reach the US immigration...there may be another "interview" before we can really enter.... but fear not if one is a genuine tourist...


  1. LOL. Yupe. Getting into the States is really a hassle nowadays especially after 9/11. I waited for almost 3 hours when my wife renewed hers recently just before our trip to Atlanta and San Francisco. Be prepared for a strict check at the airports in the States and they could randomly pick you for a full body check. So, it would be good to be there as early as possible. In Malaysia, normally 2 hours before the flight is more than enough, but it would not be advisable in the States. There was once, 5 years back, it took us over 4 hours to check in in LA. Anyway, nothing to ear at all if you are a tourist. Where are you heading?

  2. What to do... most overstays who are likely motivated by economic opportunities to stay in the United States beyond their authorized length of stay happen to be MALAYSIANS! In fact, similar scenarios are reported in UK and Japan. That's why we need to be 'screened' thoroughly before we are allowed to go over.

  3. Daddy: thanks for the tips! :) It is also good that they do the body check up more thoroughly..

    pam: Yes, malaysians are well known for that esp in the 1980s... nowadays lesser already because Singapore is a better option.. :)

  4. wow, planning to go to USA is already so costly.

  5. Wow! So nice go to USA! For holiday? Never mind all the headaches and all the money spent, just think of the good time you will have in USA : )

  6. funny, I never had problems going thru immigration at airports in Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong. In November, I will be flying to India. Hope no problems there, either.

  7. Please leave yourself at least 3 hours to check in. This is due to more and more security checks being done, mainly in European and US airports. What Pam said is correct, it is also to weed out people, who might try to over stay.
    I live in a small town in Ireland and have at least 10 over staying Malaysians, but they don't cause any trouble,etc.
    Gigihawaii-please read airport reviews for India, it's not great.

  8. Gosh! I have no idea it's so hard to even be a tourist in the states! :( Hope no more hassle for you... can be really stressful if there is so much procedures. :(

  9. That's what people were telling me when I joined that stupid competition online - grand prize an air ticket to the US! They said I could fly there but getting the visa is a hassle and have to pay a lot and fly to KL for the interview bla...bla...bla...and getting through immigration upon arrival there is another hassle...and I can't afford the hotel and food and other expenses there, anyway...so no regrets not winning.

  10. Don't worry about the entrance interview. They will ask standard questions like;
    - why are you visiting the US
    - who did you come with
    - how long you intend to stay
    - will you overstay, and if not, why not (say you got family and job back home)

    As long as you appear confident, no problem one lah.

  11. Not cheap oh......all these not include the air tickets and expenses gonna spent on your USA trip.

  12. its expenssive to tarvel here in our country

  13. wenn: the price of traveling :)

    foong: you should know better cos you are an avid travller! :)

    gigi: have a nice wonderful trip!

  14. kash: thanks for the tips and information, will do that...

    selen: thanks!

    cleff: i think those days were even harder.. nowadays I heard less of the hassles..

    stp: winning is just for the thrill of it actually.. but then if you have won it, you can show them your winning letter, that proves that you are a genuine traveler, so shouldnt be a problem, some more a retired teacher.. we are not young anymore so should be fine... :)

    bryan: yeah, as long as we are genuine tourists, nothing much to fear..

    mery: now got to tighten up my belt.. hahaha..

    mecoy: yeah, even in my country too..

  15. My husband went through the same process! But he did everything himself coz stingy haha.. :P But it was actually not that scary right, the interview wasn't really an interview. Only asked 2 questions and managed to get 10-year visa. So if you think about it, the price for the visa is not that expensive RM500+/10 years. :)

  16. Quite troublesome to visit these places.So many interview to attend kah.

  17. sweetwitch: yes, if you think of the 10 years, it is not really expensive.. Canada visa costs more.. and it only last 6 months.. :)

    irene: hahahaa.. cos our country is famous ma.. :)

  18. oh the procedure really tedious. It's a good decision to let the tour agent kautim it for you, no hassle haha.

  19. ...and you have not included the air ticket return, and when you get there, the hotel, the food, the tours...the shopping....!!!

    In my case, if I had won the ticket, the interview may be less of a hassle but still have to pay RM512...and the air ticket to fly to KL and all the expenses incurred (hotel, transport and all) to attend the interview...and I have not even left the country!!!! No, thank you.

    I used to travel a lot with my missus before we had our girl and then it dawned on me that I was earning and saving and spending everything come year end...so much money which we could use to buy this and that and live in comfort...so in the end we stopped. Cuti-cuti Malaysia good enough or maybe, Singapore once in a whole.

    Going NZ end of year, air tickets alone for 3, already over 18K. Could have bought a nice home theatre system (with karaoke) with that and still got lots of money left over...but we're going for her convo - once in a lifetime thing, never mind.

  20. Re. MEcoy's comment & your reply:
    Cheap here - come to Sibu, airfare...your RM512 enough and still got change...and here, free lodging, free food, free airport transfers, free transport, free tours... Where to find? Best lah!!! Come! Come!

  21. stp: if want to think of how much spent for travels can do so much in MY, then very heart breaking one.. sure wont go if think like that.. how about thinking it this way.. if at this age still dont go look around the world, then when really really old, want to go also no energy liow! hahaha... material things can still buy later, karaoke.. can still sing even when toothless.. (only the pronounciation might run a bit then) hahahaa...
    So you are going NZ!! wow.. yes, that is another expensive country but at least no need for visa? or do we need to have one? GO, GO.. must go..once a lifetime affair.. regret for life if dont go!
    by the way, Mecoy is from the PH.. so it is also expensive to go US or Sibu.. :)

  22. aiyah, don't think about the money and the pressure lah.. think about your happy holidays!! and happiness cannot be measured by how much you've spent~~ :)

  23. wah it is really strict to enter US now.. last I went as a student does not need to have interview...

  24. sk: yes!! but also must save now ma.. no sponsors yet.. "_

    simpleperson: when my friends went in the 1980s, it was quite strict too..


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