Friday, August 17, 2012

A New Cell Is Born In CGMC

This evening we had a farewell celebration in the church concourse, my cell group has grown to 20 over members and being so, we had to "split" or in other words, a new cell group is born.

Half of the cell group members will be going to a new group under a new cell leader... and tonight is a time of bidding farewell to one another and to bless the new group they are in...I will remain in the old group whereas my sister will be going to the new cell...
my sister... no more sharing the same cell group...
as usual, there were food to be served..
all home cooked....

A small portion of the food... there were much more.....
but I didn't eat much...surprisingly...

our new cell leader cum musician/worshiper...
 the back-up singers...
and that is Elin's WB behind.. in charge of the music board..
Though our voices are nothing near to The Supremes...
and we didn't really did that well...
But it is the coordination and the cooperation 
of the cell group that counts... 

All Glory and Praise to our Lord..



  1. o..there are a lot of which one did you cook??

  2. How I wish I can be part of a cell group again! My old group has been disbanded and I'm yet to join one.

  3. agnes, I didnt cook anything.. shame shame.. only contribute in kind.. :)

  4. the curry chicken looks yummy..good luck to your new cell group!

  5. chris: hope you can find one you can go to soon.. maybe Aaron can help..

    wenn: all the food were nice but I didnt really get to eat.. no appetite.. :)

  6. Oh wow, CGMC has changed a lot since I last went there.

  7. The curry chicken looks so appealing and yummy.

  8. Wahhhhh!!! Got food!!! I wanna join!!! LOL!!!

  9. love the foods there looks pretty yummy

  10. Wow, so much yummy food to eat. Good Luck to the new cell group & God Bless.


Thank you, readers!

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