Monday, August 13, 2012

Hokkaido Cupcakes From Kuala Lumpur

No, these Hokkaido cakes are not from by Quay Po, no doubts hers were definitely more presentable than these ones here.... I saw her cupcakes in Arthur's post today and not wanting to feel left out, I also want to show my Hokkaido cupcakes, all the way from Kuala Lumpur.

My kind neighbour gave us a box of six Hokkaido cupcakes, not so sure how much it cost but she mentioned that she has to queue up very long to get this box of Hokkaido cupcakes!  (I think KL people are used to queuing up for food, right?)
Don't know why they were sunken at the middle..
perhaps Quay Po and any other food bloggers know better...
some icing in the middle?
 Share and Enjoy... drooling...
That is what I am doing now... hahahaa....
 There are two varieties, one is vanilla cream 
and the other one with strawberry filling...

Ok, now that I have tasted, the difference between Hokkaido and the normal cakes that I have eaten is that the texture is very smooth and light that it melts almost immediately when you take a bite into your mouth.... that is the difference..get it?  :))


  1. first time I saw sunken hakkaido cupcake, it must be very sweet with the icing sugar added on top.

    KL has got lots of nice food, so they do not mind queuing for something nice I guess, haha..

  2. Quay Po's were Hokkaido orange cupcakes with whisky vanilla custard filling - more special, I guess...but at least, you tried something similar. Nice eh?

  3. the cupcakes looks yummy! never try this before too! :(

  4. I know where u bought them --- RT Pastry Shop!

  5. hahahaha you very clever ah? the first thought comes to mind is i thought QPC went to Ipoh and gave you those cake :)

  6. Hokkaido, Japan! Japanese make the best pastries! Looks delicious!

  7. agnes: not so sweet cos they are very fine.. :)

    stp: yes, something similiar and something cannot be compared with homecooked ones la! :)

    pam: is it? i didnt see the name... i should have taken a picture..

    kathy: yau moe kam tai, me! hahahaa...

    gigi: something different from the ordinary cakes..

    wenn: not bad actually

    xueren: KL plenty, I think... :)

  8. Looks like really yummy! Must be the icing. :D

  9. looks pretty delicious that white powder was what i love the most on bread/cupcakes

  10. Oh! I think we called it Osaka cake here, don't know why the name is different.

    A friend said this cake is actually sponge cake with filling. I don't care as long as it's good :D

  11. Japanese/French pastry in Honolulu is very flaky and sweet. . .

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>


  12. It's just the rage lah. Last time it was macarons, then the red velvet... now hokaido ..

  13. still haven't got to get my hands on it ler and you in Ipoh already tried it! Must try it soon lar.

  14. Oh I love this hakkaido cupcake. It's more yummy to take it when it chill. Soft cake texture with chill un-sweet cream inside, so heavenly to me.

  15. Looks pretty good. Must be sweet with those icing on top. At least you have tried it.

  16. tekkaus: the texture is soft...

    mecoy: hahaha... white powder.. yes.

    yvonne: oh, now osaka? :) but the box there written Hokkaido..

    cloudia: i must try one day..

    sharon: how much is it?

    merryn: more and more trendy cakes coming in, right?

    carolyn: yeah, all the way from KL...hahaha..

    vicky: wow..u make it sound so-so refine!

    irene: everything must try if got chance..

  17. The ones you tasted probably from RT Bakery. The filling is just stabilised whipped cream. What I made for Arthur's dinner were with orange whisky custard cream filling and my cake is of orange flavor. A good Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes are suppose to be ultra soft and when you bite into it, the smooth and silky cream inside oozes out into your palate. It is best served cold. The powder on top of the cake should be snow powder not icing sugar. "Snow powder" or "No melt icing sugar" means a type of icing sugar that doesn't melt when it's dusted on items that require refrigeration.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....