Friday, August 3, 2012


Well, we cannot expect him to get a gold in Olympics, just look at the way Lin Dan is playing now against Lee H. I. from Korea!  He is so fast and so furious!  Maybe the pressure is on him since Chen Long has failed to win against Lee Chong Wei.

Another good news is that our men doubles will be playing in the semi finals tomorrow, Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong are playing against the incumbent China players Fu/Cai.... chances are 50/50... provided that our Malaysian players go all OUT to "diminish" the China players....
Heard that a 2 million RM Gold Bar is waiting for the one who comes back with the Olympic gold!  How about that??   Well, I hope we will have the opportunity to see our players being rewarded with the Gold Bars!  (as if I have a share!) *LOL*


  1. I watched the game, I think it will be a 50/50 chance for LCW to win the gold. Best of luck to him on Sunday! He played well today.

  2. Haha....Claire, you are better than our BBC reporters! It's very frustrating that our TV here hardly shows the badminton games. I hv to watch on my laptop if I want to but then the line is so slow it keeps breaking up....arrrrgghhh. Now I'm watching my favourite tennis.....nerve wrecking to watch! I really hope our M'sian players win the gold in badminton. Wow....RM2 million gold bars...awesome! I will be happy just with my chocolate bars....haha

  3. MaryMoh : You don't have SKY box? All the games showns on the Red Button.

  4. hahaha..yeah! all i wish is that Chong Wei doesnt snap under pressure. and as for Malaysian Men Doubles, they are good but not as composed as Chong Wei. So it's good to shift the spotlight to LCW and let the doubles play their game! Maybe there's surprises for us!

  5. kash: Lin Dan is very fast in his moves.. lets hope the LCW can keep up with him...

    mary: u can see live in olympics youtube too..only a few min. later.. hahaha... but better than nothing.. :)

    kash: thanks for the information.. hope she will come back to read this or i go over to inform her..

    nicole: I was surprised that our men doubles make it to the semi.. hahhaa.. i thought they would be out in before the quarter finals.. yeah, hope this olympics will be full of surprise on Sunday..

  6. is the finals on sunday? i would like to watch if i can..hopefully it's not in the middle of the night

  7. Congrats to Lee Chong Wei! Yeah, he does not stand a chance with Lin Dan. But I really hope Malaysia can win a gold!

  8. The match is at 8pm Malaysian time on Sunday.

  9. one of our own boxer were in to the finals too hope they can bring home the gold

  10. I hope it will not be a repeat of the last Olympics. LCW showed so much promise, played so well in the earlier matches, so much power...and everyone thought he would grab the gold but the in the final, he played like a wimpy kid. I switched off the tv after a while, such a torture to watch. At least if you lose, you lose with dignity. That was so disgraceful. No fighting spirit at all... Let's hope this does not happen again.

  11. lena: as kash said, it is at 8pm.. or 4pm.. according to my son.. let me confirm later..

    wenn: yeah..all the best to our country! hahaa..

    foong: it will be a tough fight no doubt about that..

    kash: thanks for the information!

    mecoy: congratulations to your country too!

    stp: LCW was taken off guarded during the last olympics, since then he has improved a lot.. more swift.. now we fear that Lin Dan has something else to "offer!"

  12. Good Luck & All the Best to LCW. Guess you are the happiest person when LCW wins over CL. You never know, maybe you have a share of the gold bar, hahahaha!!!!

  13. Sunday is crucial. I must not miss it. I proud of Lee Chong Wei.

  14. irene: think i should email him? hahahaa...

    yan: well, at least we have a silver now... for sure...hope to get a gold! :)


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