Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Vegetarian Lunch And My Pigmentation

My colleague invited us over to her house to have lunch... it is to commemorate her father's 2nd year death anniversary. According to her Hindu custom, the family normally gives lunch and dinner to their family, relatives and friends. This is the first time for me and during lunch hour, we went to her house for the occasion and it took us nearly half hour to reach after some wrong turns here and there in Tambun.

After paying our respects to her family, we were ushered to be seated for our meal in the garden terrace.
Lunch was served on banana leaves...
and once we sat down, we were given a bit of this and that...
this is my portion...all vegetarian... 
and some fruits after the meal..
Took a picture before we left...
I have to "resize" this a moment ago...
Cos I noticed something amiss on my left cheek!
Gosh..when did it get there??? 


  1. I think nobody would pay attention on the 'object' behind you if you hadn't mentioned about it. Haha, a nice one.

  2. yummy banana leaf rice

    eh can edit the photo leh. That day SK got teach to to do in his blog

  3. yummy banana leaf rice

    eh can edit the photo leh. That day SK got teach to to do in his blog

  4. You're allergic to something you ate? I love banana leaf... Yummm!!!

  5. Looks like a fun gathering! Great bonding session :)

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  6. Loving the banana leaf rice. The last time I had was with Kathy.

  7. The last time I had banana leaf was way before I had Ethan! How long is your lunch hour lah?

  8. Yeah, an authentic Hindu experience, I haven't been to a death anniversary yet, it sounds interesting. :)

  9. pam: cos i minimized the pic ma.. hahhaa...

    kathy: i dont know how to time u teach me when u come to IPOH or when I go KL! :)

    stp; aiyoh.. pigmentation not caused by allergy... caused by old age la.. hahaha...

    shirley: thanks for informing me!! :)

    ling: but then i ate the rice with fork and spoon.. hehee...

  10. merryn: better not ask! hahaa... shhhh....

    huaibin: something new to me too..

  11. i love banana leaf rice! i love vegetarian food (not the processed ones).. hehe.. whats that pigmentation anyway? removable?

    Btw, public holiday next monday! Any plans yet?

  12. banana leaf curry rice sounds yummy..

  13. Beautiful vegetarian dishes. Claire, can tell you were very satisfied after all the food :D

  14. The dates for the anniversary vary, if the family consult a priest. My mum still does this for my late father,after 22 years.

  15. not a fan of much veggies hoho i remember i once ate on banana leaves back when i was a kid

  16. nicole: can be removed thru laser and SKII? :)) Monday.. no plans yet but plan to wake up late!! hahaha..

    wenn: go to Jalan Yang Kalsom! :)

    mary: yeah, a small portion with a bit of everything is what I love! :) not a big eater..hahaha..

    kash: oh ic.. it varies.. ok, so it is vegetarian too, right?

    mecoy: you mean u really ate the banana leaves? how does it taste like?

  17. Looks yummy......long time never have vegetarian food.

  18. first time I heard about this tradition..

  19. Ermm, using banana leaves. Looks great and save time for washing up.

  20. Food and fruit, I bet you enjoyed it.

  21. Yes it is always vegetarian food served. But it think nowadays, the younger generation have stopped doing it after the 3rd anniversary.(not sure about this) but I'm one of them.

  22. Claire, don't worried about the pigmentation. It will happened when our hormone started to change. I got mine early due to the early changes. Even worst than yours. Nothing seems help. Besides all the cream I tried is highly contained of mercury causing my skin breakdown sometime ago. Finally, I started taking a new health suppliment. Have you ever heard of NUskin brand ~ R2 ageloc. Highly recommended to you.
    However, hope you're enjoying your evening.

  23. mery: i think it is healthier..

    simpleperson: now you know.. :)

    kash: perhaps depend on individual families...

    kristy: i havent heard of it, does it help to cleanse our body cells and to rejuvenate them? :) I also have early pigmentation during pregnancy, esp on the arms...

  24. I used to have serious pigmentations on both cheeks and everyone thought I played golf for hours weekly! I never play golf and it is a time wasting game for me! Chinese doctors blamed that human's liver problems will show up as pigmentations on your cheeks. Same as skin problems must be due to internal issues somewhere.

    So I was advised to drink fruit juice everyday. I had to blend those USA celery, yellow pear, green apple and carrot. After 1 week, the brownish start to disappear and by a month it was almost gone. You can see my handsome face in my Metrosexual Man's post. Good luck.


Thank you, readers!

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