Monday, August 13, 2012

Mother And Son Portrait

How much is it to have an artist draw a portrait of us?  I have seen some artists in action frequently in Bukit Bintang sidewalks and in malls.  I have mine drawn before when I was in London last time... too bad I lost the portrait, it was too many years ago, I must have misplaced it when my house got flooded last time...

I think it is not cheap to have our portrait drawn... Wonder how much to have our picture drawn like this below.. Nothing like the original but then who is complaining.... I cannot crop this "Artist" out from the picture... hahahaa... so bad of me... nevertheless I like his "masterpiece"  It looks like real... right?  LOL...
Looking at this picture,  do you notice something?
We do have the same set of teeth, YES??


  1. Not only same set of teeth but the eyes look alike too.

  2. It's mother and son, some how there are lookalike in certain features..great artist he is.

  3. vicky: mine so small meh? hehehe..

    agnes: yeah, he is good.. haha..

  4. Having the same trademark....heheheh

  5. Luckily you still have this picture to keep as a good memory.

  6. ken: really? :)

    yeeling: same mould. hahaha..

    yan: i have the original too..

  7. The sketch was very nice. You can get it drawn again in KL's Central Market.

  8. Why only mother and son, why no mother and son and son and daughter,,,,? why lah.

    Actually,You too look alike a lot too,

  9. Very nicely done! Yes, you two like peas in the pod - your son looks exactly like you.

  10. google around and i'm sure you'd find freeware or websites doing that portrait effect on your photo lah.. hehehe, and besides the teeth, you two smile the same too~~ :p

  11. Nice sketch. Looks like photocopy.

  12. Is this real? I thought this was done with a software. He seems to have your look - a mother and son look :)

  13. TM: how much does it cost?

    eugene: cos both of us look alike ma..

    stp: whereas my girl looks different.. :)

    irene: yeah I agree too..

  14. can sell ubat gigi liao :P

    just joking

  15. I must admit that he drew your guys really, really well. :D

  16. i saw this gifted man on a mall who does portrait of various people and he's great

  17. kathy: that is what i always say.. :)

    tekkaus: hahaha... taken in?

    mecoy: some are really very talented..


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....