Friday, August 31, 2012

The Streets Of San Francisco

The very next morning after a light breakfast, we started our journey to San Francisco city.... we have to do some stuff in the city and we checked in to a very nice hotel right in the middle of the city...
along the freeway to San Francisco...
It is a four star hotel but too bad that they do not give free wifi in the room
at this moment of time, I am "Internet-ing" at the lobby...
Not worth spending $7usd for an hour.. it is just not enough for me! 
For two days, I think I have walked some "kilometers" and 
I think I am quite familiar with some certain spots now...
some pictures along the way... big solid buildings in sight...
Always see these in movies..but this morning, I saw this in real... :)
Along Montgomery Street
Along Grant Street on the way to Chinatown...
Saw something familiar here.... along Market Street....
See..I can remember the streets...
Next time I can be a tour guide! 
Ok, got to stop here now...
My computer battery is running out...
Got to get this published before it does!
(This is called blogaddict!)


  1. Wow, awesome. Enjoy and take plenty of photos!

  2. i would also love to go there

  3. you're living my dream claire! have fun!

  4. San Francisco, my dreamland. Wonder when I will be standing at the Golden Gate Bridge one day?

  5. Hi..Wenn ..yes it is fun in a different country

  6. mecoy: hope you will one day...

    isaac:yes, come with your wife one day!

    pam: i havent go to the Golden Bridge yet.. :)

  7. Have fun....snap more pictures...

  8. Have fun....snap more pictures...

  9. Wahhhh!!!! You join tour package or what! That room must have cost a bomb!!! US some more, don't play play!!! 1 night there, can stay in 5-star here 1 week, I think.

  10. more photos...

    wah you very yau yeng ah leaning on the chair. hahaha

    the hotel room looks very big wor. Hmm how come have to pay for internet ah? Then nevermind lor. Do it in the lobby lor.

    Eh say Wenn blog some hotel have PC you can use wor

  11. I lived in San Francisco in 1968 and worked as a medical secretary there. Memories!

  12. WAH LAU!!! DAMN NICE!!!

    hahaha the police car style that only in the movies!!

  13. OMG!!!! U're in SF!!!!!! NICEEEEEEEEE!!!! :D

    Enjoy urself there!

  14. Wow! SO nice! I have only seen that police car on TV! LOL!

  15. San Francisco is one of my favourite cities in the States. Love the green areas and flowers in the city. Traffic is difficult however.


  16. wow! you in san francisco!! usd7/hour, come back and blog lah! haha! enjoy your holidays!

  17. Thanks for coming by... yes..will enjoy as much as i can without thinking about the currency conversion... hahaha...

  18. I haven't been to San Fran yet and I am looking forward to visit my relatives there in the near future. Thanks for sharing some of your SFO pictures. It's great to see actual accounts of people who have been there :)

    Ria C

  19. Wow, I love those big,tall buildings! I'd probably get lost if I go there since I'm not too good with directions and familiarizing myself with landmarks...:-)

  20. You are truly an addict! Enjoy your holiday lar. See as many things as you can. Don't think about blogging first.:P hehe.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...