Friday, September 21, 2012

Lets Drink To Good Health And Happiness!

The night before we left for Las Vegas, my mom suggested cooking BIG for the whole family and inviting some friends over for the Feast... NO one disagreed with her when it comes to home cooking food and by 7pm that evening, we got these dishes laid on the dining table.... 
The Big Feast below... 
Sweet N Sour Prawns!
Cooked by Yours Truly here!
Another different angle...
not bad, I think... hehehee...
steamed chicken...
steamed grouper...
roasted pork!
roasted duck...
fried noodles ...
salted vegetables...someone's favourite!
A Filipino Dessert...
Sweet banana with Jackfruit wrapped with something..
couldn't be a dinner without some red wine, right?
our special guests... Pat and Elma, a Filipino...
Cheers Everybody!!


  1. Indeed a lot of dish for the small group. I guess everyone is enjoying with the big smiles :)

  2. cheers.. kampai. yam seng..
    have a good weekend

  3. Sweet & sour prawns? Looks good? The rest? All cooked by your mum?'ve a long way to catch up with her lah!!! The old ones memang tahan lasak... Can cook up a storm. That's a real sumptuous feast!!!

  4. wow, that is a lot of nice food!! yummy yummy.. love the roast duck and also the fried noodles.. you mum is such a great cook!!

  5. wow.. you are enjoying your holiday ya.. :D

  6. Wow...finally you cook ah:p That prawns dish looks so pro-done leh...sumore got garnishing...not bad not bad...must tell the kids how well the mama can cook now :p

    Have a safe flight back :)

  7. A real big feast. All cooked by your mum. Thumbs Up to your mum!!!...

  8. yam sheng..and im getting hungry rite now look at the i want to find some to eat LOL

  9. Oh, how wonderful! I just love to see pictues of a dinner party, enjoyed by all. The food looks great!

  10. Wow! All the food look so delicious! making me hungry now!

  11. Yeah...long way to go before I could catch up with my mom!

  12. I took the glass for show only... hahahaa...never can drink one.. i mabuk terus!

  13. wow whatta a great set of dishes nice my eyes were droooling over

  14. steam chicken omg!!!! i'm craving for it now. haha

  15. wow..scrumptious1 You really have a good time there! Envy!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...