Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New York At The Strip

After a good night rest, I was awakened by the smell of bacon and eggs! Many thanks to my BIL for preparing american breakfast for the whole family.... how blessed we are!
 busy preparing... he doesn't want anyone to "disturb" him... 
that is fine with me.. LOL...
My first time with bagel and bacon!
After our breakfast, we didn't want to waste time and 
off we went to New York, New York along the strip...
New York! New York!
Sexy, Fun and.... Acrobatic...
we were contemplating.. which to watch... 
in the end, we chose neither of these... 
 and we walked around... in awe...
reminded me of Gentings indoor theme park... 
tired... rested awhile in front of the dobi shop...
ooopss.. toilet also didn't escape from my camera....
clean and nice...
soon it is time to satisfy our stomach...
and these sirloin beef caught my eye... really looks good!
eventually I settled for a fresh oven pizza!
while some went for the roller coaster ride, 
me and my mom continued to linger around taking pictures... 


  1. Ah!!! You had bagel!!! How is it compared to the Sibu kompia? (Remember, your answer will determine what may be ins tore for you in the future! Muahahahaha!!!!) Ooooo...I love bacon! Slurpssss!!!!

  2. Aiyor!!!! You did not watch the shows!!! Wasted lah!!! It is an experience of a lifetime, I tell you. Haiyar!!! Shouldn't have missed it.

  3. Ehhh? The bagel looks a little bit like kompiah. Taste same or not? LOL!

  4. stp: yes, in fact I ate three that morning..took it with salted butter and bacon! The one I took is a cinnamon bagel.. not bad.. something like kompia.. one is western and one eastern!
    About the shows, yes! I watched one.. not to be missed in my later posts!

    cleff: yes..something like that actually.. :)

  5. So much to see and so much to eat during your trip in the US, that's fun!

  6. I always wondered how bagel tastes like..

  7. wow, you had a great time there..

  8. Can tell you had an awesome time! It's so wonderful that your mom went with you. I'm sure there are lots of good food. Did you put on weight with so much good food? :P

  9. waaaah so happening! like many nice food

  10. those shows seems pretty cool and the foods were scrumptious nice post

  11. those shows seems pretty cool and the foods were scrumptious nice post

  12. So happening there..and with good foods as well. I got to start saving now to go there...hehe

  13. medie: why jealous! :)

    agnes: yeah.. i gained 1-2 kgs!

    merryn: something between burger and bread.. hahaha..

    wenn: yes i did!

    mary: as i said..1-2 kgs!! hahaha..

    eric: yes..happening!!

    mecoy: western food, you like?

    andrew: no need to save la! :)

    mery: wow..u repeated so many times!!

  14. The sirloin beefs look good, no wonder the restaurant display like this haha.

  15. hahaha, bagel with eyes popping out staring at you early in the morning?? :D

    haiyah, you should have tried the steak mah, pizza so common only~~ :D

  16. for sure Arthur will compare the bagel with his kompia. i bet the bagel is

  17. haha! toilet also never give chance, must take photo! but it looks quite grand!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...