Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Old McDonald Has A Farm..E..I..E..I..O

When sister is at work, my mom and I explore the fields and the barn to get our hands working on something interesting... Farming! My brother-in-law said I would not make a good farmer but a good plucker perhaps!! LOL.
after letting the dog out, we go for the vegetables..
zuchini... we baked some zuchini cakes!
Now I know what I want to do when I retire...
my mom with the chilies...
after some plucking, 
we cook a big delicious dish out of these vegetables from the farm..

I think I could make a good farmer with some proper tips and training... my brother-in-law said so! LOL... well, I guess I will consider doing this when I retire and IF I own some empty piece of land over here... I doubt I can do it in Ipoh though.. Oh, by the way, I have been doing some plucking and doing some cooking and baking with them!! Unbelievable, right! Oh, I have been doing some "hammering" too! Watch out....


  1. Don't forget to gamble in Vegas!!!

  2. No animals? Old MacDonald had all kinds, making all sorts of noises. LOL!!!

  3. wah..... got such a big farm! you should stay there!!

  4. Wow you are really having a good time there Claire. A well-deserved break for you and your mom :)

  5. eh nice large farm there.. so nice experience ya

  6. never been on a real farm tough ive seen a lot

  7. never been on a real farm tough ive seen a lot

  8. never been on a real farm tough ive seen a lot

  9. never been on a real farm tough ive seen a lot

  10. You have a great time at the farm. Glad that you are doing some cooking and baking too. Have a great day.

  11. thanks guys!! wish i have more time and internet connection to get connected more often.. now it is very limited cos im in Las Vegas now.. have a great day, all of you!!

  12. Nice trip to the farm. Yes farming really not that easy, unless you playing farming game at FB haha

  13. Ahh nice experience farming! It's wonderful to be so close to nature, isn't it? :)

  14. Next time can plant your own vege at home

  15. That's a big farm...if you have a field outside your house at Ipoh, you can do the same thing too. My parents are planting vegetables on the field opposite my house too...hehe. My Kenji boy love the old mcdonalds song very much..hehe

  16. lovely! So nice to be so near nature, and living in a farm! :)

  17. don't gamble TOO much LOL

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...