Monday, September 3, 2012

Palace Hotel In San Francisco

I am so thankful that I am given an opportunity to stay in this beautiful Palace Hotel in San Francisco for three nights.  It is right at the center of the city area and very convenient for us to move around... walking!  The staff are very friendly and helpful, totally courteous with greetings each time I approached the counter, wearing my humble attire.... lol...

 Before I left, I took some pictures around the hotel area cos this is one hotel that I don't think I could ever afford to stay next time... It cost around $359 per night in this four star hotel... and coming to think of it now, I should have visited the swimming pool as well but I have totally forgotten all about it... 
 at the entrance of the Palace Hotel...
Love this ballroom...
Reminded me of those weddings in the movies...
Another thing I like about this hotel is their lifts..
Never had to wait for more than a minute to get into one
and to reach the desired floor!  LOL...


  1. Very spacious and beautiful hotel. i'm sure you enjoy your stay here. Any review of the rooms?

  2. As usual luxury hotel with luxury price..ehheheheh

  3. so luxury...that's why called Palace Hotel. :)

    Glad to hear that you have enjoyed your stay very well.

  4. The name of the hotel speaks for itself. Luxury hotel. Hope you enjoy your stay there.

  5. Beautiful!!! Really IS a PALACE!!! You must have felt like a queen staying there, so very nice.

  6. Wow! really so expensive! You're so lucky to stay there!

  7. Wow...and three nights sumore...sure feel like a Queen hor...:) Glad you are enjoying yourself and keeping us least we get to have a glimpse of the place :)

  8. Wow, this place is awesome!! Enjoy your stay!

  9. three nights..awesome! looks like a palace indeed!

  10. Cool. Wish someone would sponsor my stay too ..kekeke

  11. What a gorgeous hotel! Glad you had a good time there.

  12. Wow stay in palace hotel...
    So you feel yourself as a queen?

  13. Wah.. I wanna hold my wedding at that ballroom!! Eh.. ehem, my anniversary celebration i meant :P


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...