Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Results Of Giveaway!

Hello Bloggers!!
Firstly I want to apologize to those who have entered the giveaway here ... Let me confess... I have totally forgotten all about the closing date and announcing the TEN winners!

Too much things on the my mind..sorry about that... and just a moment ago, I went to the random.org to help me pick up the ten blogs and here the are numbers which are picked...

18  http://herweightlossdiary.blogspot.com/
13  http://agnesdiary.com
3    http://lifelittlestory.wordpress.com/
12   http://suzlinazreena.blogspot.com/
16    http://mykindaland.com/
19   http://smallkucing.com
10   http://inhouseling.com
8   http://www.libbyfu.blogspot.sg/
14   http://www.cynselfblog.blogspot.com/
5   http://www.inspiredmomx1.blogspot.com/

Congratulations to the above ten bloggers.... please contact me via email reanact@gmail.com for further details..  :))

Thank you so much for coming by to join in the fun!!


  1. Congrats to all the winners! Can tell you had tonnes of fun there! :D

  2. No one told me about it...sigh!!! Just joking Clare...lol..I'm not a blogger so...

  3. Awww....i saw my blog's name. Thanks Claire! Have a fun time.

  4. I'm in the list...thanks Claire!

  5. I'm in the list...thanks Claire!

  6. wow...congratulations to all the lucky winners/bloggers.

    Do remember to post up the giveaway item ya. :)

  7. wow..so lucky! Congrats to the lucky ones!

  8. glad Small Kucing is lucky!

    Aloha, Friend
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

  9. Yeah~ Lucky 12! <3


    my email: busymonkey07@gmail.com


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...