Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thunder Valley Resort

Another not to be missed is the buffet in Thunder Valley every Friday night! It is not an ordinary dinner buffet but an Eat All You Can Alaskan Crabs! "Let's Go!" .. that is my reply when my sister suggested it a day earlier... no turning back and no retracting of words... lol... we are... big crowd walking towards....
It is actually a resort cum casino cum restaurant...
Only one disadvantage though....
We had to queue up for more than an hour before we were taken to our seats... 
No pictures allowed while queuing up cos of the casino....
Very nice ambience...

I don't understand why we had to wait an hour...
The place was very enormous actually....
or perhaps it was dinner time when we reached..
Of course being kiasu, first thing I took was the Alaskan crabs!
second helping....
3rd helping was the attack on the prime ribs and T-bone!
then I tried some Clam Chowder... (first time for me!)
hmmm...not really into it..but since everyone say must try, so I did..
Eat and Eat for only $25usd per pax..
After this full dinner, I skipped breakfast the next morning.. hahahaha...


  1. You are truly enjoying your holiday there, Claire! For US$25 per pax, cheap with all those food, yummeh!

  2. wow..enjoy them and take your time..

  3. Gosh...with such beautiful ambiance and good food I dont mind paying more than that. USD25 is cheap!

  4. Yes, everything is cheap over here.. if you work here and spend here, then the standard of living is definitely lower than MY!:)

  5. Eh...very cheap for the food offer. I love the big size crabs!

  6. wow...usd25 only ! how many crabs you walloped? LOL! come back no nid to eat lo...can start fasting. Eh you not here...I fasted for lunch and now so slim and healthy.....LOL! You sure jealous wan ! Can't wait for you to be back though :)

  7. that a huge chunk of t bone yummy

  8. very cheap..
    If I were you .. I will only eat the crabs .. kakakaka

  9. I didn't know brussel sprouts are already in season...wait a's already autumn...sigh...back to cold weather!

  10. So cheap!!! I think there's a buffet like this in Auckland. Must ask Shereen to take me there when I go over... Nom! Nom! Nom!

  11. 25USD for all you can eat ALASKAN CRAB is cheap actually. seems to be enjoying your trip with all the nice food.

  12. USD25 for eat all you can is really worth it..eating nice food is the most enjoyable thing to do.

  13. Wow that looks like some meal and what a price! Worth visiting just for the crab by the look of it.

  14. Like the prime rib, would like to try it.


  15. Such a big crabs.....and the best part is not expensive too since it is a buffet style...

  16. Yes, definitely very cheap if you work and stay here... for locals like me, i have to multiply by 3! hahaa...

  17. WAH!!! alaskan crab buffet, and prime beef steak!! only US$25 for that, but i don't think you ate that much also lah~~ :D

  18. Eat All You Can Alaskan Crabs... superb!!! I'm drooling now.

  19. Eat All You Can Alaskan Crabs... superb!!! I'm drooling now.

  20. Damn so nice and i can see the taste was nice so jealous at you cos you can eat the big crab wif only @25usd...ahhahaha


Thank you, readers!

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