Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Half Day Tour In Sacramento City Hall

After "helping-out" our farm chores, we were "rewarded"by our BIL... he took us for a city tour downtown to Sacramento city which is around half hour away from the ranch... We were most delighted to... finally we had time to go to the capital of California... lol...

I was expecting the capital to be buzzing with cars and people but to my astonishment, it was neither.. it was in fact a very peaceful place, no jam even in the town centre, nothing like San Francisco.. it reminded me that Sacramento is like Ipoh and San Francisco is like Kuala Lumpur.. LOL...
we parked our car nearby and our tour began...
we were led to this place that
 reminded me of our Parliament in Malaysia..
the monument where they honor the heroic soldiers
who perished during the Vietnamese war...
taking a "breather" walking towards the City Hall...
finally we reached the entrance... or was it the back entrance?
hahahaa...I forgot cos I remember walking and walking...
this should be the front entrance... hehehe..
Looks like White House to me...
inside the City Hall...
Abraham Lincoln's time....
Before leaving the City Hall
 a momento was taken as usual...


  1. yeoh
    those shots look great under the sun..


    Wahhhh!!! You grew thinner when in the states, eh? Hmmm...must come to Sibu - then you can put on. Chinese say, got "hock"!!! LOL!!!

  2. Or have your photo taken with me... Will be just as good. LOL!!!

  3. those shots look great under the sun..

  4. OK, thanks Guys!!! now baru nampak comments... next time i better not meddle with the buttons in nuffnang.. !

  5. stp: so when coming to ipoh to take photo? hahaha....

    wenn: pictures taken outdoor are always much clearer...

  6. You look great, I'd be a tired mess :-)

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  7. Very nice sceneries that can't be found in malaysia! Btw, L'escargot the drama is airing now at Astro channel 411 weekdays 8pm. U can also stream online for the drama.

  8. thats a pretty cool city hall there nothing like that here haha

  9. STP invite the superstar to take photo with him, hehehe!!!...

  10. great place to visit, look like white house to me too..

  11. Wow..what a nice vacation..hope you enjoy your 'momento' hehehe...

  12. cloudia: hope you are better now..

    nicole: thanks for the info!! will look into it tonight!

    mecoy: yeah, nothing like in my place too.. ahaha...

    peachkins: thanks!

    irene: where.. who... hahhaa..

    alv: sure I will .. all pictures are momentos.. hahaha..

  13. Claire..u seems to put down weight when u in States

  14. The city hall building very nice. Yeah look like white house keke

  15. ling: the picture is misleading ma..

    vicky: a replica.. :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...