Friday, November 2, 2012

Empat Sekawan Means Four-ever Friends

BFF... these three letters were made known to me by my nephew... that was before I registered into Facebook. He told me that he and his friend are BFF... and it means BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! It took a younger generation to teach me that...  lol...

During my primary schooling days, teachers were always asking us to write essays on "My Best Friend."  I remember not having a best friend in my primary years, everyone seems to be my friend and there was no one close until I reached Form 1 and since then, we are named "Empat Sekawan."  (Four Friends Forever)  hahahaa...

As years went by, we still keep in contact with one another... we went for trips locally and one time overseas together... it was great fun... I really appreciate these years of friendship... the older they get, the more meaningful they become...

Lately we got together again... we gathered in my house... and we had a great time together... no such word as being "old" and not being able to do these ....
we danced....
no bones creaking.. we could still manage some cha-cha and twist... LOL>...
thought I admit I am not as "flexible" as my friends!  
They are really great!  *clap!clap*
we were not too old for these either...
iPad .... comparing apps and downloading games!
We even managed to get a picture snapped using the timer! LOL...
Well... Best Friends we might not be...
But surely we will continue to be ....


  1. How come the dancing picture only show "kaki"?....

  2. oh, I haven't been dancing for ages..those were the days when I like dancing.

  3. mery: line dancing ma.. hahaha..

    wenn: yes, for me too.. how nice if there is party for us elderly ladies.. hahaha..

  4. you should have posted a video of your dancing that would be fun to watch

  5. yeah, friends are great. I have one I met in 1st grade and she lived just 2 blocks from me. She now lives in California, but we get together once a year here in Hawaii.

  6. Nothing like friends to make this world a better place to live in. Always good to renew and strengthen old ties...besides making new friends. You all certainly had a lot of fun, eh? Keep it up!

  7. Nice legs dont have varicose veins where got old?

  8. Empat sekawan reminds me of the movie. Never too old to learn anything. You are forever young at heart.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...