Monday, November 19, 2012

Marina Bay Sands In Singapore

After our dinner in Purvis Street, my son took us to Marina Bay Sands, just two stations away from we were staying, Carlton Hotel...
First time I came by here.. the one behind us is the Olympic Youth icon..
Managed to take a picture of the Singapore casino
The scene right outside the Marina Bay Sands complex...
At the food court in Marina Bay Sands...
In the high end mall...
Entrance to the casino for PR and the local Singaporeans.. My pictures here are all jumbled up cos I am presently using my netbook to do my posts... I don't have a mouse with me and at the moment, I am not in Singapore island but in an island up north... come to think of it, I was in a south island last week and this week up north in an island... gosh.. which island will I be in next week? :p


  1. So happy, your son....mummy comes to visit. Come, round, ask him to fly direct, Air Asia, JB to Sibu...and you fly over from KL. Meet here,go jalan2 cari makan. Your other two kids have been here, he hasn't. Wink! Wink!

  2. Happy mummy. Big smile in every pix.

  3. the structures seem pretty awesome

  4. Marina bay sands is such a lovely place. I would love to visit it again some time..

  5. I wanna go to this Marina Bay Sands one day. :D

  6. Alamak, u come SG, never come look for me...

  7. too biasa use mouse. No tangkap tikus like very hard to use


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...