Saturday, November 3, 2012

Parenting And Firefly

As a mother with three grown up kids, I have been waving "bye-bye" to my kids' every now and then especially during weekends. Once they reach eighteen, it is time to let them go in a way. No more staying at home with us 24/7, that only happens when they have their semester break in between and it does not happen much often.

So for parents with young kids, I'll say it again... do treasure the time now that they are here with you ... 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year... The house may be noisier and you might not be able to experience the Silence Is Golden atmosphere.... but once you do, you wish that the house will be "upside down" with noise and voices once again... LOL...
at the Ipoh airport again... 
and now who is leaving...
both... the big and the small...
 but different routes only...
well, till we meet again....
thanks to Firefly, the journey only takes 1 hour or so...
but I hope their rates will be reduced one day...
and then perhaps Firefly will get more business from me! 


  1. So which is the son who collected your prize? Nice to have sons living somewhere else so you've the excuse to travel. Hahaha!

  2. that cute well at first my parents specially my mom was kinda strict but as time passes by she get used of me leaving the house ahaha

  3. That's life. What to do? Everyone has to go through this empty nest syndrome.

  4. well it give you more freedom and be single again.. lol

  5. Ahhhh!!!! So they've completed the airport. Thanks to Firefly, it is indeed so much more convenient to travel. Goo for Ipoh people!

  6. Btw, have you seen the new Air Asia ruling wef Dec 1st?;jsessionid=05718C3F8D772C8E41658B972854273B.tomcat2?id=580&rank=1&action=rank#TemplateRanker

    This is tantamount to BULLYING!!! Everyone can BOYCOTT!!!!

  7. shirley: he has collected and I am going down to bring them back.. :)

    mecoy: not strict but worry for you..

    irene: yeah.. i think most parents..

    simpleperson: u r right!

    stp: but their air tickets are very expnsive.. one way 300rm over.. sigh..

  8. Fly in comfort.... Monopoly mah. Same here when we fly MasWings to Bintulu, Miri or KK. They may have offers too sometimes...will link you if I see any. LIKE their page on Facebook so you can get their updates too.

  9. It is really one of the saddest day for parents to see their kids go and be on their own.

    But as a true loving parents, having them have their own life and being independent is one greatest sacrifice that we have to take.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...