Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Thank you for the lovely wishes in Timeline and I want to thank you in advance for your comments coming in! (hope there will be.. hahahaa.... )

I am entering the 50s era and if you ask me, I would love to feel I am 25 always instead of 52! LOL... Though physically I have aged and feel less vibrant and active, (as Arthur said, no more a spring chicken)... I am still all in for any singing or dancing.... my colleagues will vouch for that (we just had our fun doing that a few nights ago!)  hahahaa....
I received this lovely cake yesterday...
From my lovely friend cum blogger, Elin....
She had worked tirelessly to bake this sweetie cake for me..
Thank you, Elin!
Isn't my pressies sweet?  
I have a bouquet of chocs too!
Thank you, Liew!
and my bestie treated us to a Peranakan dinner last night....
Thank you, T!
 Thank you for the Spanish belt, TC...
Thank you, AA
for these items to make me younger... :)
last and not least, my love one came back yesterday....
knowing there will be lots of good food going on here in IPOH..


  1. Wishing you a really happy birthday Claire!

  2. Happy birthday again! LOL! Wah! Nice presents and nice cake too! : )

  3. im glad that you were having fun on your birthday,
    again happy birthday claire

  4. wow, that's nice! Happy happy birthday!

  5. Ahhhh!!! So good that your Andy came home. Otherwise, it would be your first empty nest birthday - so sad and lonely. Jahat you, said that he only came back for the food - sure saying his World No. 1 mama lah....

    Glad you had a great birthday, all the presents and all the treats...and all the love from family and friends.

    God bless always every passing day in the year ahead.

  6. Wow, lots of nice birthday presents. You are truly blessed and your son is so kind to make an effort to come home and celebrate your birthday. God Bless!!!...

  7. you definitely still look like 25 years old, or maybe older like 25 years and 2 months old lah hehehe!! so nice you've got so many presents!! belated happy birthday to you yeah.. :)

  8. hahahaa... thanks for your comments.. 25th birthday? i cannot sleep liow.. hahha..

  9. Happy Belated Birthday!! God Bless You!

  10. You are resounded by people who loves you dearly Sis Claire.

    Belated happy happy birthday to you and wishing you more health and good wealth all throughout the year.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...