Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Greetings And A Farewell...

Tomorrow is Christmas Day... and wishes of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year has been "flying" here and there in Facebook, in blog posts, Sms-es, telephone calls... and from colleagues, friends and family...

So how are you celebrating your Christmas today?  Tomorrow? As for me, going to church is something quite sombre tomorrow morning... no, it is not about the Christmas sermon... the sad news is that my Pastor will be making his last appearance in my church tomorrow and he will be leaving our church here inIpoh...I, for one, will miss him and I am sure many of the church members will miss him too...

Okay, sad news aside.... let's continue to wish one another a Blessed Christmas and A Happy Healthy New Year!
Merry Christmas.....

 A Blessed New 2013!!


  1. May Peace, Happiness and Love be yours this Christmas, Claire.

  2. merry christmas merry christmas.. going for buffet marathon tomorrow with friends.. OMG, i am so excited and also anxious, my first time doing that, i wonder how much i could eat~~ :p

  3. Yan: yes..peace upon our country too!

    sk: wow... do show us how much you ate.. hahaha....

  4. Selamat Hari Krismas atau Hari Natal aka 聖誕快樂 Merry X'mas & Happy Holidays

  5. Merry Christmas, Claire! A very happy one!

  6. Yeah, I heard about him. He got a promotion. :)Hope your new Pastor will be as good!
    Merry Xmas and Happy New year to you sis!

  7. Out day is quite busy too---Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year!

  8. Very good Christmas card. Merry Christmas.


  9. May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly at Christmas and throughout the New Year, 2013. Cheers!

  10. I hope you like your new pastor, is there already a new one in place? I love your card below! Wishing you the best Christmas ever, Clarie, and the peace of God!!

  11. By the way, you gave me a good scare, saying farewell, I thought you were stopping blogging!

  12. A very Blessed & Joyous Christmas to you & family. May the peace of the Lord be always with you.

  13. May peace, happiness and goodwill be with you and your family not only on Christmas, but through out the year and beyond. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

  14. Hi Reana, from across the ocean, wishing you and your family a happy Christmas and the very best of Seasons greetings.
    Have fun.....

  15. Merry Christmas ~ Have a nice day~ =)

  16. merry christmas and happy new year too

  17. Blessed Christmas to you n your family!

  18. Thank you for all your wishes and blessings, Friends!!

  19. Lovely post Claire! Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas! I know you're ahead of us. Wish you a wonderful rest of the holidays season!

    Much love from voiceBoks!

  20. Belated Merry Christmas to you and your family...


Thank you, readers!

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