Sunday, December 16, 2012

Trees Post On A Beautiful Sunday

Today is Sunday... this is the day to rest .... but rest I not till now.
After church at around 10am, I went for breakfast with my church friends and by the time I got home it was after 11am.  Something smelly at my porch... yes, my hairy family member had not have a bath yet for the past one week... now she is clean and smelling fragrant!

Went to the kitchen... and started to work on it.... in the midst of it all, I dropped the whole container with sugar inside... Oh Gosh!  I thought of taking a picture of it... all spilled on the floor... and in no time, they would be infested with ants ...

Well, that is my boring work for the day... kitchen cleaning... till a phone call came and then only I remember I had a wedding luncheon to attend in the city hall  !!  Aww...  forget it... with all the sugar on the floor, how to get myself ready in five minutes?

By the time I finished all my chores, it was almost 4pm when Isit here.... ahhh.. this is what I called Relaxation...

Here are some pictures for you to relax too on this Beautiful Sunday...
Have a nice day, friends!


  1. i love the Taiping rain trees!

  2. Nice and beautiful place to relax one's mind after a hard day's work. Oh dear!!! miss the wedding luncheon.

  3. lovely shots claire
    i love trees it give this certain drama

  4. Nice, I had a long day too. Attended church and lessons later. Finished around 5pm.

  5. Nice, I had a long day too. Attended church and lessons later. Finished around 5pm.

  6. wenn: me too..!!

    irene: yes! I have forgotten all about it... next time i need to set reminder!

    mecoy; the trees go back a long way...

    chris: I am so happy for you!!

  7. :( There's not much greens in KL. Concrete jungle. Wish it was greener.

  8. those old big trees really hard to get in the city!

  9. U have a great week ahead..
    Is it dr park?

  10. you missed the wedding luncheon? Sugar on the floor is no joke, even a tiny piece of sugar will lead the ants matching in...

  11. I always love the rain trees in Taiping! So beautiful and relaxing : )

  12. I'm back from my vacation! Thks for sharing the lovely shots! It was food & shopping everyday in Tokyo, so it's nice to see some nature :)

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  14. The lovely trees give us shade and pleasant sight

  15. Those are lovely trees. Never knew Taiping was so beautiful.

  16. What amazingly beautiful trees! It's such a shame you had to miss the wedding.

  17. This a cool spot to find yourself. I simply love this blog.. You can check mine out via Entertainment and News Portal.


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