Sunday, January 13, 2013

Family Gathering In Penang Times Square

To ease digestion after the heavy buffet dinner, we had a stroll around the Berjaya Square... since this is the first time visiting this complex, we walked around the outside of the complex and as usual, my camera will start clicking...
At the lobby of Berjaya Times Square...
Most shops were closed by then...
Birch Road was named after E.W. Birch, the Resident of Perak in 1905, 
and son to J.W.W. Birch, the first Resident of Perak who was murdered in Pasir Salak.
 E.W. Birch was popular for his role in getting tin ore from Perak smelted in Penang. 
 It was also he who initiated the Birch Memorial in memory of his father. 
(Information taken from here)
AA and I...
Within the Berjaya Times Square vicinity...
Famous for tin ore smelting....
Birch House...
In front of Birch House is the Standing Tall Komtar..
My three strongholds that keep me going...


  1. Nice. All very happy, can see from the smiling faces... Can start adding new members lor.. Wink! Wink!

  2. stp: any recommendation?? :)

    wenn: yes.. time flies so fast..

  3. The outside looks nice!

    Hmm, your 3 strongholds looking pretty and handsome~

  4. hey you're in penang!.. haha i'm back there almost every weekend..

    always like this.. come kl no find me.. come penang, also no find me! :( .. i am sad

  5. Time square! I like it because it has Tao jap restaurant haha!
    Glad u had fun!

  6. it is good to have outings with family~

  7. Beautiful night photos! And I love the pretty arch you are all standing under in the lobby! Makes it a beautiful photo.

  8. fuiyoh...the last photo have a pretty lady in the back better get ready for load of supper soon

  9. Very nice pictures....I can see all are smiling.

  10. how fun going about with your handsome family! Thank you

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  11. Hey,how come I never knew that it was called Berjaya Times Square,,,,,? I really don't think it is called that, I must say it is called Penang Times Square,,,am I right?

  12. wow that is nice..
    have a good family gathering..

  13. Lived in Penang for 4 years but never stepped in Times Square before. Looks quite empty now.. maybe coz u went late right.. I like the family photos!!

  14. Now you are like more of a Penang lang than Ipoh mali..haha

  15. this Penang Timesquare seems to look nicer than the KL Timesquare lah.. KL Timesquare is selling all pirated things inside!!!

  16. Nice family photo, 1st pix. Scenery also very beauiful.

  17. it was really pleasing to see a family getting together
    by the way that last shot was lovely

  18. Hayley, thanks! We had fun.. next time must stay longer..

    isaac: aiyah.. u new daddy.. i dare not disturb you.. :)

    jessica: yes, we enjoyed ourselves..

  19. mrlonely: indeed it is...

    ginny: yes, I love it too..

    kathy: how come I dont have supper for so long already geh?? :)

  20. mery: snap picture sure big smiles one..hahaa..

    cloudia: yes, love traveling with them...

    eugene: you are very right!! I am as usual blur as ever!! sigh.. Thanks for pointing out the mistake...

  21. sp: hope to have another one next time soon..

    sweetwitch: yes, i think it is late and the shops are already closed..

    bananaz: seriously? hahaha.. even the place I was mistaken just now..

    sk: that, I dont know cos most of the shops were closed..

    vicky: thanks!

    mecoy: thank you!


Thank you, readers!

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