Monday, January 7, 2013

Shin Chan Ramen Is Now In Ipoh

Now that she is back, she will go all out to try the new food outlets before her semester holiday ends. The next one for us to "conquer" is Shin Chan Ramen near to the newly opened happening area, Festival Walk.  (Near Tesco Mall)
Here it is... Shin Chan Ramen
It was still early when we went in...
the ambience is not bad... 
the staff is friendly... 
and why did I say that?
The reason is that the menu names are mostly "foreign" to me...
and I need to know what to order...
*drooling* over her favourite type of food...
Her type of ramen with omelet ..
I feel the prices are a bit over-rated..
I ordered this... mushrooms, vege and meat...
It cost RM15.... 
What do you think of the price?
Well, for ramen lovers, this might be your place...
As for me, if my girl wants to go there again, 
I rather she goes with her friends... :)


  1. Good grief!!! Soooo expensive!!! Crayon Shin Chan where? LOL!!!

  2. The price is so steep!!! By paying an extra RM5, you are able to get a bowl of authentic ramen laden with generous helping of char siew, seaweed, soft boiled egg etc. in KL.

  3. wow, that's a very interesting one, ramen in omelet. never saw that before.

  4. stp: Ipoh standard should be cheaper..

    Pam: yeah..i also feel it is steep! :)

    anne: actually it is very simple only.. paying that price.. is a bit overboard.. hahaa..

  5. looks so so to me. plus.. why no shin chan? haha

  6. I thought got crayon shinchan design inside haha

  7. Bring me when I am back for CNY ah?

  8. Crayon Shin Chan? The boy who loves to pee everywhere? Haha.. no wonder the broth is so nice lah :P

  9. errr, i kind of find the ramen not very authentic as seen from the photo..

  10. The ramen omelet, is it a bowl of broth with an omelet in it? Beef or chicken broth? Are there noodles under there? I want to try and make one, it doesn't sound too hard.

  11. Hahahaha!!! That Merryn's so naughty!

  12. can i have some of that noms :D

  13. I do think the ramen is bit pricey.They looks yummy but not so special.

  14. Too pricey. Both does not have much ingredient in it.

  15. Very reasonable price. The ramen really look nice, I's starving now.

  16. henry: yes.. i agree with you..

    juin: i didnt think of that.. i wonder why they called it shin chan.. cos he loves ramen?

    chris: how much can u eat in one day ah???

    merryn: poo too!! gosh.. he is one lewd one.. as wendy said.. hahaa..

    sk: ramen is ok..pricing too high only..

    ginny: it is under the omelet.. i mean the noodles.. :)

    stp: as usual..she is very cheeky!

    isaac: i think KL also has better ramen? :)

    mery: yeah..if around 8rm also reasonable.. :)

    irene: maybe their cost production is high.. :)

    vicky: hahaa..u are the one who say this..

  17. normally ramen in KL is serve with jap char siu..
    the price could be around RM24...

  18. well the place seems comfy and elegant for me,
    and the food looks tasty as always


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....