Monday, February 4, 2013

Homemade Delights In Greentown, Ipoh

My colleague knows very well that I love sweet desserts and he is so kind to show me a newspaper cutting on a new shop selling sweet delights!  Of course, I was very excited when I saw the desserts advertised on a two-page advertisement and couldn't wait to go and try....

Come lunch time, a few of us went searching for the shop in Greentown Business Centre but we couldn't locate it... thank goodness we brought the newspaper cutting along, there was a contact number there... and in no time, we found it!  
Nice ambience for tete-a-tete...
Before we could even sit down, I started to take pictures..
(of course with the Boss's permission!)
Left is the lady boss, Anne...
Such a friendly lady...
Chatted with us throughout the whole lunch...
Telling us how this shop comes about...
They serve Western and Asian food... 
and of course that includes these Sweet Delights...
Not too sweet, just nice for health conscious ladies like me... hahaha...
Yummy Steamed Pudding... 
Instead of the yam we usually eat, these are different...
These pudding are made from "loke tau" .. or should I say "de-skinned green beans?
And to my sweet delight, they also serve my favourite dessert drink...
Sweet potatoes with ginger syrup...
A piece of each is good enough for me...
Followed by a piece of chicken pie... fillings full to the brim...
Well, I cannot say how great the food is...
As for me, I don't mind going there again...

Open everyday except on Saturday
Along Assam House and next to Public Mutual
Greentown, Ipoh


  1. It's not easy to find places that sells traditional desserts as this shop !!! Feel like sinking my teeth into the chicken pie and yam cake....*mouth-watering*

  2. Hmm.. I think I'd like this place too!!

  3. i would like this place too, especially that i also like desserts (sweet or savory).. too bad, you didn't take photo of more food to show us, next time bring more people, haha!!

  4. Nice dessert place. I will try to locate this place when I'm nearby next time. I love the "tong sui"

  5. each dish seems yummy
    and since i love sweet foods seeing this was a torture for me haha

  6. What a lucky day to have the lady boss to serve you and chat some more!

  7. Ooooo...I love those kuihs!!! Yum! Yum! Hay, the lady boss looks pretty! Wink! Wink!

  8. Wow, wow, looks so good. Salivating.

  9. Wah! I'm eyeing on the chicken pie. I'm not a dessert person, though :D

  10. This does have such nice ambiance, and the pudding looks great! Here, restaurants will let you take pictures if you do not aim at any of the people.

  11. The chicken pie looks special..

  12. am not really crazy about sweet dessert but farn shui thong sui very nice

  13. am not really crazy about sweet dessert but farn shui thong sui very nice

  14. why they close on saturday?..I thought most eatery will have more business during weekends.

  15. aijor...why on Saturday of all days. Normally, I will go on Sat wor.ahhahah

  16. Sorry cannot reply individually.. so late now.. hahaa..
    Anyway, not open on Saturday cos she said it is not office hours.. and quite quiet there.. :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...