Saturday, February 16, 2013

Meeting Up With Chris On CNY 2013

Reanaclaire went to visit blogger, Chris Au on the 4th day of CNY... took my kids and my mom... We had made a date the night before that we would be going out for lunch the next day...
He said he would  give us a treat... heheehe...
And we reached his house promptly around noon...
But upon reaching, he told us that his poor stomach couldn't wait till noon
and had an early brunch while waiting for us...
While waiting for his stomach to "digest"
we enjoyed eating the titbits in his house...
Nicole is such a cute girl... 
When the father said "Take picture, girl", she would stop playing her toys
and pose up readily for the camera.....

Ok, as for our lunch date, it didn't materialize in the end...
Chris Au lost his way while following us from behind...
The town was jammed up and eventually  he landed himself in Foh San
while my kids and I ended up eating in Greentown instead....
(hey Chris, next time you don't drive your own car..
purposely losing your way to save your pocket?  LOL)


  1. Ipoh too jam that day, really don't know which route to take! anyway, glad that I ended up in foh San....hehehe...can enjoy good dim sums.

  2. next time cramp into a car.
    good that you managed to meet Chris.

  3. That must have been a disappointment for you and your Mom and kids. Yes, next time, you take him with you. LOL It's not like he didn't know you were coming, he should have gotten up earlier and eaten something light so he would have been hungry at noon. Have a great week-end.

  4. Hi Reana Claire, I have been away from blogging for too long...I am trying to catch up on all my favorite blogs! Sounds like you and your family had quite the fun adventure. Take care.

  5. june: yeah..cutie pie.. hahaha..

    chris: yeah, loe wong there was terrible! next time dont go to town during cny!

    wenn: yeah.. just the two of us.. hahahaa...

    patty: next time must get a big MPV! :)

  6. Yikes, what an unfortunate incident!!! A visit filled with bad luck! First his stomach, then getting lost!!! Too bad he would not ride with you. But you and the little girl look so sweet!!! Is this his girl?

  7. That shows how 'familiar' he is with his own hometown @_@

    Claire, you can share bajus with Fernie. You look like one young lady there. I love your outfit :D

  8. Look so slim with that outfit. funny, instead of having lunch together it ended up each eating at different places.

  9. Yes! Yes! He did that on purpose!!! See! He even ate brunch first... All pre-planned one! Never trust that guy! Hehehehehehe!!!!

  10. P.S.:
    See! Your friend, Patty, is hinting the same thing!

  11. Going out for lunch during CNY is crazy with the popular restaurants or kopitiams fully packed like its foc.

  12. Haha quite common thing to get lost in jams when you can't lead the car following behind. Always good to 'brief' the driver the rough idea of the location. For me would like to know first than rather following 'blindly' behind could be quite taxing and BP could increase tremendously especially with jams and the traffic lights. OK lah you & Chris both can play the teow chew muzik ka ki ku ka ki...lolz

  13. there nothing more enjoyable than meeting some other bloggers

    and that girl was indeed cute

  14. Aijor..poor thing. I heard from my brother the jam was so terrible during CNY.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...