Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our Amateurish Peanut Cookies!

Another late post update...it is 10.10pm now... very late post... late because of this big "lump" here...
Not only one... but two.. three... and four times of these lumps....
Ok, what am I "lumping" about? 
Reanaclaire in action!!
I can finally brag a bit... hahahaa... 
Yes, tonight is Baking Time for Reanaclaire...
Started around 7pm, my sister and I played around with the groundnut doughs...
She brought over her oven and together we "cooperated" to make the easiest of all recipes...
Peanut Cookies!
In the midst of the process...
after standing for few hours... 
baking... washing... mopping...
I am really Exhausted now...
Though they are not at all perfect...
My sister and I had a good time laughing over our 
Odd Shapes Cookies! 


  1. Wow...very nice. I love peanut cookies. Seems you have a lot for CNY :p

  2. so thats how it looks like when uncooked? thats cool

  3. I haven't done that before but I used to help my aunt when I was young.

  4. andrew: not all are mine.. one bottle is fine with me.. :)

    mecoy: cool, right? :)

    wenn: actually easy but very tiring only. :)

  5. i never bake cookies before. I should try one type of cookies. Oh wait, maybe i'll try this hehe

  6. Nice! Poslaju...dijamin sampai hari esok! LOL!!!

  7. What a fun thing for sisters to do together. And they look yummy!

  8. i just love these peanut cookies!! i can pop one after another into my mouth and cannot stop eating them, hahaha!!

  9. now u know its tiring to do all these! =p
    anyway.. i used to do that too. but too heaty ad so didnt anymore. =D

    odd shape? i think still look niceee!

  10. that's a very good attempt ! but your tray senget geh ?

  11. Good job good job! This peanut cookies is actually one of my favorite, easy to bake too ;)

  12. Good attempt...at least you are doing your best to make this good cookies for CNY.

  13. stellaclaire: do post up when u do.. :)

    stp: heehehe..the hinting man!

    ginny: thanks! yeah.. not too bad.. hahaha..

  14. sk: very fattening too..cos use oil! :(

    henry: some big, some small, some squarish.. hahaha..

    elaine: yes lo! my sister bought the wrong tray! hahaha..

  15. hayley: yeah, but very heaty la... :)

    mery: now i almost feel the heat in my body.. sigh..

  16. My first time visiting this blog, and here I found a lot of interesting things.

  17. Good try. Not bad. I love peanut cookies.

  18. I like this but lazy to make jor... hehehe..

  19. Foodtips: thanks for coming by! :)

    irene: better dont start.. haha...

    cyn: no need to bake these.. your cookies are better!

  20. Wahh..nice. I can't even make it ler.

    More baking in future..ok.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...