Thursday, March 14, 2013

Missing Her So Tanjung Tualang We Went...

My girl didn't come back for two weeks and I kind of missed her.... hahaha.. so what does a mom do when she feels like that?  Yes, I drove up to see her, forty five minutes journey only... and since it was a Sunday, there was none other better place than going to Tanjung Tualang for our lunch!  After all, it is the nearest destination where we could have a nice and proper meal.
Since it was not festive season, 
the crowd was not there to "flog" the restaurants..
That is what I like.. no crowd....
And this time we went into Sun Luen Fong Restaurant...
We had these...
Her favourite steamed fish....
fried meehoon
"Yau Mak" with "fermented beancurd"
crispy fried "oysters"
different shapes from the ones we normally take..
and for these dishes, (plus fried rice)
the bill came to a hefty RM93!!
I feel it is a bit "overpriced."
After our lunch, we went to buy some "cookies" and other stuff along the street... and that was it.. Dropped her back to the college after getting some groceries and bid bye-bye to her till the next weekend.....  Well, this is the life of a mother and her child who leaves home after a certain year of age...


  1. meehon seems like our pancit,
    and the oyster sure looks crispy

  2. Luckily is only 45 mins drive, it's consider pretty near. I will sure miss my girls when they go to college next time.

  3. I miss my son even for just a day. Hahaha! I can understand your feeling being a mom too. Glad u'd a good time with here!

  4. yea, not too far girl is about 3 hours away..

  5. 45 minutes is not too far away and I bet you were a really nice surprise for her!

  6. Ooooo...all the nice dishes! Slurpsss!!! ONLY 45 MINUTES!!! I sure would go over whenever I can - maybe bring something nice that she loves to eat - Japanese, Italian.... My girl will be 1 and half hours away when she starts working - she'll be home every weekend, of course...and you can be sure that I may just hop over to send her any nice things to eat whenever I can.

  7. YORRRRRR!!! OMG.. the food looked so nice!! i love that fried beehoon and the fried oyster so much, nice~~

    aiyah 45 minutes drive only, that's not far, you can always go there and see her anytime you have that impulse (if not seeing her then go for nice food also good), hehe!!

    1. Mine favourite we plan trip go serang claire la...yan n Yvonne also no nned travel so far...

  8. Well, at least it only takes you 45 minutes drive. Not festive time, also so expensive. Maybe the fish & oyster cost a bomb.

  9. The steam fish looks good...

  10. Luckily it is only 45 minutes away and the Mommy is an independent and strong mom who can drive basically to anywhere! Take care Claire :)

  11. My fav food also wir...hint hint lol

  12. Tanjung Tualang, I believe you must have love the fresh water prawn. It is my grandmother's hometown. Great simple country side where it is good place to retire there!

  13. mecoy: yes, the meehoon was not bad actually..

    agnes: feel like shifting nearer to her if possible.. hahaha..

  14. shirley: in the beginning yes! :)

    wenn: yeah, yours is further... :)

    ginny: she misses the steamed fish actually.. lol..

  15. stp: oh one and half hours? like Ipoh going to Penang then... if not much work, she can come back weekend.. if not, you have to hop hop over! :)

    sk: yeah, that is what i Normally do..

  16. sharon: me too!

    irene: this shop is expensive.. must go to other shops..

    mery: good but expensive..

  17. merryn: if given a choice, i rather be a passenger..hahaha..

    kathy: what is hhbc??? :)

    sharon: where are u now?

    mike: only a small town.. peaceful i guess..

  18. The fish looks good!

    Just 45 minutes drive only ho? Haiyah sap sap sui la~ :p

  19. The food on the table looks nice, but yeah, it's a bit pricey.

  20. oh dear...that's how every parents felt when their kids left the nest. The seafood looked good but agreed with u, really over priced.

  21. hayley: hahaha... 45 min to college, another 20 min to Tg tualang.. :)

    yvonne: i agree with you!

    mnhl: I also feel like that.. so once bitten twice shy..

  22. Awwww....sweet mommy! I know how you feel. I'm sure all moms can identify with you. All the food look So good....drooling :D

  23. Well not far...can go there next week too and visit her again.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....