Sunday, March 17, 2013

SPM 2012 And Scholarships

SPM 2012 results are coming out next week, I read the papers yesterday.   Reminded me of my own anxieties one year ago when my girl went to take her SPM results on one fine day in March too.  I remember going with her to the school and waiting for the teachers to present the results in the school hall.  Also remember that the teacher congratulated my girl for having straight As and the bewildered face on my girl.  Saw the faces of other students, some laughing with joy, some just walked off in tears ... and the scenerio of hugging and jumping among students and their parents....

Well, that was one year ago...

Though my girl didn't get a scholarship for having straight A's, I am thankful that she got in to this university....And now the "race" is on again....  the scholarships applications will be out around this time onwards... Never give up what we aim for... achieving a scholarship will indeed "lighten" the burden of many who are in need.....

For SPM students awaiting their results, all the BEST to all of you... the "excitement" has just begun!  :)


  1. Not FAIR that she did not get the scholarship last time, she is the smartest!!! Maybe this time...

  2. Time really flies. It was like just recently you bring your girl to get her result....and now another year has come. Phewwwwwwww!!!..

  3. She's not re-applying? I know may did and then they got it the second time around.

  4. All the best to you. I wish you can get it this time. :D

  5. so my girl will be getting her results soon..

  6. Sounds so stressful...... I'll be taking some exams myself next mth too & I'm already feeling anxious. Hahaha!


Thank you, readers!

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