Thursday, April 4, 2013

Durian Lovers, What's The Price?

When he is back, he tries not to miss buying this King of the Fruits! No doubt the durian season is over but there is always one road side stall in Canning Garden selling "overpriced" durians.  Well, I was thinking, it is worth paying a bit more for quality durians, right?  Moreover, it is not "often" that Aaron comes home too, right?   OK, Justified!   Let's go!!
the Boss recommended these three durians...
We bargained and bargained with him...
"Let's see the goods first"
"Now let me try.............."
Ok mom, let's pay!!"
Guess how much the durians cost?
If you can guess correctly, let me send you a small prize!

P/S: As of now, some of you are pretty close.. hahahaa... 
keep on guessing! Tonight I will disclose the answer!
Alright, today is 6.4.2013... the correct answer is RM55
for the 3 small durians!!  Thank you for Guessing!!  :)


  1. Gosh!! I didn't know Aaron love was it taste like? I am no Durian fan...haha!!

  2. haha i know nothing about your currency hmm 12? hahaha

  3. I dont know how much that will cost as we don't usually purchase our durians. We got them from my FIL's orchard. I've not had them for half a year dy lu..

  4. Wah Merryn's FIL got durian orchard, let we plan to go there one day.

  5. Claire can I know what kind of durians is it? Musang King? How many biji you bought?

    Well it is just a guess right?.. Let me see for that big nice sharp durians worth RM138.

  6. I remember a long time ago you bought a durian from someone who was walking on hte street selling them, I think they were not good!

  7. Between $5.00 and $8.00 apiece? I don't know what that would be in your currency.

  8. I heard a lot about this fruit and that it smells hard after a while.


  9. Caning Garden? I'll say RM 50-80 each, let's say RM 70 average for one durian. RM 200 for 3. :D

  10. I only eat when somebody buys and gives me - not a fan of the fruit so would not pay money to eat, thank you. Not in season, must be around RM25 a kg?

  11. I like Durian too albeit the smell. Couldn't guess.

  12. about RM15 per kg? or issit RM60 for all 3 of it?

  13. Only buy when in season.Since this is not the season, my wild guess is RM150.

  14. RM50 for 3? We were at Jusco yesterday and there was stall selling durian at premium price? So tempted to buy some home but my son said, don't buy, too expensive! LOL..

  15. I love durian and depend solely on my parents to get the supply :p

    So, I don't know the price, hehe.

  16. errr, i don't eat durians lah, so really have no idea how much they cost..

  17. Hey guys.. some of you are pretty close... will disclose the price in tonight's post!

  18. My guess for three durians will be RM 75.00.

  19. RM55 for 3 durians is not expensive at all but it really depends on what type of durian it is. So is the durian musang king? If yes, then it is really not expensive.

  20. RM55, not expensive lar or over price... Hahaha good guess...

    Mine was too far away.

  21. hahaha..just for fun actually.. the durians are small in size too..

  22. That's quite a reasonable price! RM 55 for 3 is cheap.

    We saw RM 50 per packet of maybe 7 seeds for Penang Red Prawn (Udang Merah) in Jusco the other day. I don't like buying there, prefer to buy fresh.


Thank you, readers!

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