Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Nice And Thoughtful Of Her

A very short post tonight...

Went to a wake service, friend's MIL passed away... actually I was thinking of not going because I dread driving at night especially in dark and unfamiliar roads.  My eyes are not as sharp as before....

I telephoned my "bestie" citing my reason and straightaway, she suggested that she would come and fetch me.

Well, nothing surprising about that, right?

But the thing is... she stays just five minutes away from this friend's house but for her to come to my house, it will take around 45 minutes to and fro.....

Really so nice of her.... to come all the way to fetch me and back to my own house after the service...

Good friends are really hard to come by, I really appreciate her thoughtfulness...
 As nice and as sweet as this bowl of dessert.... :)


  1. We feel bless that we have this kind of friend right?

    So she bought for you that bowl of dessert too?

  2. That looks good! I've not eaten taufufah with tangyuen before. You are blessed to be surrounded with good friends, Claire :)

  3. You are blessed having such a good friend at your side.

    The sweet dessert looks delicious.

  4. You are blessed having such a good friend at your side.

    The sweet dessert looks delicious.

  5. You are blessed having such a good friend at your side.

    The sweet dessert looks delicious.

  6. You are blessed having such a good friend at your side.

    The sweet dessert looks delicious.

  7. That's good of her...and of course, if you have a great friend, take the time to let them know how great they are. :)

    Have a good day!

  8. I think not too many people would do this, she really is a great friend!

  9. That's what friends are for. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends - praise the Lord. Imagine, there ARE people who have drifted apart over the years...and they no longer have any real friends as they grow older. Real sad.

  10. That is nice of her. You are nice also mah. Stsy far and yet go for the wake.

  11. Blessing to have such nice and thoughtful friends. God Bless.

  12. Love the sweet gesture of her. It's a blessing to have good friends around. Claire, you are one of them

  13. Yes, I am blessed with good friends and that include you all too! Without friends, our lives will definitely be less lively.. :)

  14. indeed that's what friends are for.. and you so bad lah, described your bestie as a bowl of "tong shui"!! haha, should have described as something more expensive mah~~ :D

  15. That is what a best friend mean, without asking for their favour but best friend will give us their help no matter what.

    What desserts is that? It look like tong yuen with tau fu fah to me.

  16. sk: hahaa..nasib baik she doesnt read my blog one! :p

    vicky: yes..3 in 1 !

  17. Good friends are hard to find, like gems and diamonds :)

  18. Yup, very nice of her to drive all the way indeed. :)

  19. she sure is nice!
    anyway that looks creamy

  20. This is what we say. Friends in need are friends indeed. :D


Thank you, readers!

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